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Taehyung's Pov:
Taehyung started walking around the campus hoping he would find his classes. He had always loved drawing and when he finally decided to pursue it as a career he chose to take a painting major. After all, Van Gogh was his role model, his source of inspiration, so he obviously had to become a painter too.
Since the school was really big, it had a lot of different majors and areas: there were people graduating in music, dance and "art" (drawing, painting, animation...).
Although diversity is usually a good thing, in this case it only made it harder for Taehyung to find what he was looking for.
He was so focused on observing the building and searching for his classes that ended up bumping into someone. Taehyung fell on his butt and looked up to find a hand streched to him.

- Are you okay?
- Yes, thank you.

Taehyung grabbed the boy's hand and got up.

- I am sorry for bumping into you... I was distracted searching for my classes and forgot everything else....

The cute guy was smiling at him in a reassuring and comforting way and Taehyung could swear that he was shining.
- No problem... but...do you need help? I mean I can see that you look a bit lost.
- Really?? Thank you so much! By the way my name is Taehyung, I got here today.
- Hi Taehyung, I am Jimin. Nice to meet you.

They soon started walking, Jimin leading the way and showing him what he needed to know.
Oh so my classes are in the 3rd floor! That's why I couldn't find them earlier...This guy is really nice. Without his help I would still be lost. Ah man I am glad i finally met someone nice in here!

- So is that all?
- Yeah thank you very much for showing me around. Are you, perhaps, a second year?
- No, I am a first year but I got here a couple days ago so I am not lost anymore hehe...
- Oh we have the same age then! Well, as you know I am in art major. You?
-dancing, ballet to be more specific.
-well I am in painting to be more specific - said Taehyung imitating the other and making them both laugh - wow I never met a ballet dancer before... you will have to dance for me some day!

Jimin giggled at his new friend's cuteness. He seemed to be a really goofy and funny person and he had the feeling they would be great friends.

- Oh by the way do you have a dorm room already?
- Yeah I got the key earlier today.
- Good. I will take you back to your room.

They both walked to room 22B, talking about all sorts of things and getting to know each other a little better.Taehyung sighed while entering the key in the keyhole.

- Thank you very much for everything jimin.
- Call me chimchim or jiminie, that's what my friends call me. I will see you later taetae~

- Bye jiminie!

Agh here we go please god have mercy on my soul. I am really tired and I really don't feel like arguing.
Taehyung entered the dorm room once again in that day and saw jungkook sitting in the bed writing on his computer.

- Hey.

WHAT!? Taehyung turned around only to see jungkook staring at him, clearly waiting for an answer. The boy had made a whole speech before about how he didn't want him there and how he was going to ignore him and now he says hey!? THE AUDACITY!!

- Aren't you going to answer hum........
- Taehyung. My name is Kim Taehyung.
- Taehyung... so I am sorry for how I acted before...
- What?

Taehyung's eyes were wide opened in pure shock.

- Jeez no need to be that surprised! I know how to apologise okay?!
- Yeah sure it's just that after that speech you gave me earlier about how much of a pain in the ass I was I never thought I would hear something like that from you....
- Well it's not my fault you entered my room without permission sooo...
- OUR room you mean?
- Hum.....

The room became silent.

- So are you a painter?

Taehyung looked confused. How could Jungkook know that when he literally didn't even know his name one minute ago??

- I mean your suitcase was covered in paint so I just assumed...
- Oh......no, you are right, I am taking a painting major. How about you?
- Music. Song writing to be precise.
- That sounds interesting! Do you play any instruments?
- Well I can play the piano decently I suppose. But I prefer singing over playing instruments.
- Could you sing for me please?
- I don't know.... It's just.... I get a bit shy when singing to other people.
- You are in a music major though.... isn't that somewhat contradictory?
- That's why: SONG WRITING. It's easier to put your feelings in lyrics than transmitting them with the tone of your voice...
- Makes sense. Well maybe I'll get to listen to you singing some other time.
- Yeah maybe....

And with that Taehyung started unpacking.

Hey 여러분 ~~~
Here is another chapter! Hope you like it ㅇㅅㅇ
보라해요 💜

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