•chapter 1•

11 1 0

August 26, 2019

My names Orion, Orion Anderson. "Orion" because on the night I was born, my father noticed that Orion's Belt was visible at my time of birth. Thus the name Orion was given to me... it was either that or "Parker." I'm 18 years of age and I am about to move to America, Los Angeles to be specific - in about a week. I am going to be attending an Arts University that my closest friends and I got accepted into.

Who knows what kinds of crazy adventures await for my friends and I in Los Angeles. I am super excited to start a new life - but I will be missing my family and everything I'm leaving behind.

You see, my friends and I didn't just make the choice to leave our country just to attend school. We're leaving because we're following a dream that's bigger than us. And where else to follow your dreams than Los Angeles?

I slapped another piece of tape on the box labeled "shoes" that was on top of another box labeled "clothes." I used all of my strength to scoot the boxes out of the center of my room into a corner. I signed heavily "that's the last of the boxes" I put my hands on my hips and scanned my room. It was odd seeing my childhood room basically empty. All that stood was my bed, my dresser, my desk, and my night stand. I walked over to my bay window and sat and looked up at the night sky - it was a slightly cloudy.

I heard a knock on my door. It was my mom. "All packed up in here?" She said peering around my room as she walked in. "Yes, all except this house." I pouted, "if I could I would move this house over to LA." I chuckled half sad as she sat down next to me. "Cariño, don't worry I know you'll do great things out there. We're only a phone call away if you ever need anything." She smiled and held my hand in both of hers.
Then my dad walked in, "Hey kiddo, the movers will be here tomorrow morning so I hope you have all your things packed," he walked in and pulled up a chair from my desk and sat with us. "You okay, Orion?" He patted my shoulder. I just nodded my head and half smiled and sighed.

"It's just so surreal that I'm leaving in a week," told them, "how's Ava taking it?" I asked. Ava is my younger sister, she's 16 and after I leave she's basically an only child. We are pretty close since it was just the two of us growing up. "Oh you know, Ava. She doesn't really like to talk about her feelings, but she's holding up. She's a strong girl." My mom assured me. My dad placed his hand on my moms knee and they smiled at each other.

My parents met over twenty years ago when they were both fresh out of college. My dad was visiting The States on vacation when they met on Venice beach. They instantly hit it off and kept seeing each other over the summer but when my dad had to go back, they kept in contact and planned trips to see one another. My mom is Latina and my dad is Australian. They were inseparable. My dad had a huge promising job in Melbourne, and so my mom made the courageous decision to leave her life behind and start a new one here - because she loved my dad that much. I hope that maybe one day I could find love as strong as theirs and live a happy life like that too.

"Who knows, maybe you'll find a boyfriend in LA?" My mom giggled. "Ha! No way, I would never fall for one of those fame heads. I want someone normal." I laughed. My parents were always supportive about my sister and I. When I came out to them, they had nothing but love and acceptance and that's more than I could say for the other gay people in the world. I was blessed to have them as parents.

But fun fact about me, I've never had an actual boyfriend. Never been on a date, never been kissed, and never been crushed on. I mean, yeah, I found guys I would see at school or in public cute but that was it. And there was other openly gay kids at school but I was reserved and stuck my nose into my books and kept my feet on the dance floor.

"Well, I think mom and I are gonna call it a night, kiddo," my dad said as he stood up and put my chair back at my desk, "don't stay up too late, okay?" He said and kissed my forehead. Mom stood up too and kissed my forehead as well. They both walked out of my room but before closing it said their goodnight's. "Goodnight, love you." I said back to them and they flicked my light off only leaving my fairy lights to dimly illuminate my room. I got up and walked over to my closet - opening it's door only to reveal five T-shirt's, three pairs of jeans, and only two pairs of shoes that I would be wearing for my remaining days here.

I took off my shirt and put on a black tank top, and slid off my shorts and stayed in my Calvin Klein underwear. I walked over to my night stand and grabbed my AirPods and slid them into my ears - I grabbed my phone and went to Spotify to play one of my favorite bands. I typed in "5 Seconds of Summer" into the search bar and played amnesia, the guitar strings began to strum. This song is one of my favorites by band. They're all pretty cute, but I would have to say that my favorite boy by far is Calum Hood. What can i say, I have a thing for dark haired boys with tattoos.

I went back to my bay window and slid it open and crawled out onto the roof. This was one of my most favorite things to do - If I was feeling stressed, or depressed, or needed to think, or needed space, or had major anxiety - I would come out here and watch the stars. In this case, I just needed some air and time alone. It's my safe place so I hope I find something similar when I'm in America - it'll keep me from going insane.

I laid on my back and had my head resting on my hands. "I wish I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things," I sang softly with the music, "like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you and the memories I never can escape." I finished. That's my favorite line from the song, because they say they want to forget the "stupid little things" like falling asleep next to that person, but imagine having that someone to fall asleep next to? It doesn't sound like a stupid little thing at all, it just sounds hurtful to lose that but I can see why you'd want to forget a feeling like that.

Suddenly, a shooting star flew across the sky and I closed my eyes and made a wish. I open my eyes again and keep gazing at the stars.

"Tell me this is just a dream 'cause I'm really not fine at all." Luke finished. I let a few other songs play and I began to feel drowsy. I should go to bed, I have work in the morning. I yawned. I crawled back into my room, shut my window, and climbed into my bed. I turned my fairy lights off only leaving the moonlight in from my window. My eyes felt heavier and heavier and just like that... I was in a deep slumber.

*a/n: hi thanks so much for reading, I would really appreciate it if you voted and commented and spread the word to get this story out there. the story is slowly picking up, but I'm just setting the mood in these next few chapters so please enjoy & thank you :')

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