I'm confused

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K so as I said before, it's so good to have someone as a resource when it comes to researching for my characters. But at the same time, I feel I'm pestering him so much! Not like I message him everyday or something, but every time I even think of asking him something, I feel like maybe I'm bothering him. Maybe he doesn't want me to message him. Maybe he doesn't like it and wants to ignore it, but can't cuz it'll seem rude.

Uggh!! Why is this whole crushing thing so complicated??? I just wanna know what he thinks of me; what goes through his mind when he sees my messages. Does extremely random things remind him of me like they do for me? Does he also have that moment when his heart stops for a second upon seeing a reply? Does he randomly check his phone, expecting a text from me? Does he too put story and post notifications on like I do?

So many questions and only one person who can answer this. But I don't think that one person eould even mind if I were dead...

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