Bureaucrats Empathetic

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"In ancient China, to get into the bureaucracy, you had to write an exam to become on. Guess we know who invented exams now," young Crofter once told Edla, his best friend.

10 years later, Edla Willmansson had become the Minister of Farming of Tendor Valley at the heart of Europe and Crofter Tudor went on to found the largest farming company of Tendor Valley, Tudor Twist Farm. Though no one knew that these two famous people were best friends, it wasn't a big secret compared to their secret mission. This mission was started by the government to track down the masterminds behind the depletion in crop yields and nutritious food stock in the supermarkets, so who better than the top two in the field to lead the mission?

Amid the usual meeting every week in the basement of the Tudor Twist Farm tower, Edla looked over at Crofter and gave him a slight nod as a known personality's profile came up on the projected screen.

"Victor Knowles," she started. "The high and mighty CEO of Knowles Corps, which provides tech support, delivery services, and pesticides to farmers all over our country. Wouldn't be on the radar if not for the last reason his company is still up and running today."

"TTF is one of his main customers and since pesticides are important for crops, he may be misusing his powers," Crofter added.

Just then, a lady in a lab coat came in and whispered something in Edla's ear.

"Umm... we might have a situation here," declared Edla as she read the lab report in her hand. "Crofter, you might want to have a look at this..."

Confused at the words spoken by Edla in comparison to her facial expressions, Crofter wearily made his way over to her and peeked through his glasses.

"Pesticide content report: antimicro 10%, peetoff 12%, ronvontin 25%, HOLY MOTHER OF FARMLAND! 53% surgirmatar!?"

"Surgir: crop in French; matar: to kill in Spanish. Exactly why the Federation of Drug and Chemicals named this chemical surgirmatar. It was invented by a Professor P, but no one knows who he or she is," the lab assistant explained and the room gasped in horror.

"But most of the Valley's farmers, and a few towns on the outskirts, use this for each crop they grow!" someone in the audience exclaimed.

Grumbling, Edla and Crofter muttered under their breath, "what a beast of Victor!"

"I'm going to kill this Knowles!" raged Crofter as he charged toward the door.

"No, don't do it! At least just yet," Edla warned. "We need proof that he is Professor P and the government won't give us the authority to put him in jail just yet. I've got a plan..."

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