Chapter 9

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My Aunt smiled. "Since you boys are here, you wouldn't mind helping me and (y/n) bring in all her things inside."

Shirou smiled. "Sure, come on Atsuya."

Atsuya sighed and mumbled something under his breath, before picking up a box and following his brother into the house.

I grabbed a box and headed to my room and sat the box on the bed.

{Time skip}

I sighed as I sat the last box on the floor. "Finally, we're done."

Atsuya sighed and fell on my bed. "Woman how many freaken boxes of clothes do you need?!"

I giggled. "Only half of it was clothes."

He looked at me confused. "Then what the hell was the other half?!"

I smiled and opened one of the boxes up. "My movie collection."

Atsuya looked at me crazy while Shirou chuckled. "That's some movie collection (y/n)."

I opened my mouth to say something only for my Aunt to knock. "Sorry to bother you three but it's getting late and all three of you have school tomorrow."

Shirou smiled and got up. "She's right we better get going Atsuya." Atsuya sighed and got up as well."

Shirou looked at me with a smile. "It was nice meeting you (y/n)."

I smiled. "It was nice meeting you and your brother."

With that they both headed out to there house.

I sighed at the thought of going to a new school. "Well I might as well take a shower."

{Time skip}

I yawned as I sat up. "Where am I?"

As I said that memories flooded through my head. "Oh yeah I'm at Aunt (a/n) house."

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone going off. I reached over and opened it to see a text from Hiroto.

I smiled and texted him back, then got ready for my first day in Hakuren. After getting read and eating I headed out the door.


Hiroto: so what's it like in Hakuren?

You: idk I've only been at my Aunts house.

Hiroto: if you want I can get one of the maid's that use to live in Hakuren to help you navigate your way around.

You: no thinks.

{Out of text}

As I sent that I ended up running into someone. I looked up to see Shirou and his brother. "Oh sorry Shirou, I wasn't looking where I was going."

He smiled. "Its fine."

Atsuya looked at me for a moment before turning back to his brother. "Come on Aniki, we're going to be late to school."

Shirou smiled. " coming Atsuya." He turned back to me. "Care to walk with us (y/n)?"

I smiled. "If you don't mind. I still don't know my way around here."

Shirou chuckled. "Well maybe after soccer practice me and Atsuya can show you around."

I smiled. "Fine by me, besides I was hoping to join the schools soccer team, maybe when we get to school you can take me to your captain and I can ask him."

Atsuya stopped walk and turned around. "You really are stupid."

I glared at him. "Whats that mean.."

Shirou smiled. "Ignore him."

I looked at Atsuya for a minute. " but why does he have to be a jerk..."

"If you want to talk to the captain, you can talk to me."

I looked at Atsuya with suprise. "You mean your the captain."

Shirou chuckled at my reaction before following after his brother.

(I don't really know what Atsuya calls Shirou, but if that's not what he calls him just tell me and I'll fix it.)

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