Chapter 16

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Bark~ bark~

"Stop it Stich I'm trying to sleep..." As I mumbled that I rolled over, but that only made it easier for Stitch to wake me up with slobbery kisses. "Okay...okay I'm up Stitch."

Sitting up I slowly rubbed my eyes. "I guess that was all a dream..." As I mumbled that something caused me to be yanked forward. "What the!" Looking down I noticed Stitch yanking on the white scarf around my neck.

Bark~ Bark~

Unwrapping the scarf from my neck, I took a look at it for a moment. "This is Atsuya' i wasn't dreaming."

"Oh good morning (y/n)!"

I jumped and turned to see Nae with a smile on her face. "Good morning Nae."

"You ready for practice and to try and get Atsuya to get along with you?" As she said that she gave me a closed eye smile.

"Yeah I can't wait, but I don't th-"

"Hey whats that?" As Nae interrupted me, she pointed at the white scarf in my hands.

A small blush appeared on my face, as I hid the scarf behind me. "O-oh its nothing!"

"Okay..." She gave me a confused look, before shrugging it off.

"Well how about we get ready for practice, we don't want to be late." As I said that I quickly shoved the scarf in my bag and headed to the girls bathroom. 

I looked at the scarf for a moment. "I better give him his scarf back after practice." With that I quickly got ready and headed to the soccer field.

{Time skip}

I sighed as I plopped down on the ground. "Well that was fun."

Nae smiled. "Yeah it was, its also a lot better with another girl to play with."

I smiled. "I can imagine, boys can sometimes be very boss dearing practice."

A giggle escaped Nae's lips. "I know,  Someoka the worst at it."

"Im right here you know.."

Me and Nae giggled as we saw the annoyed expression of Someoka. "Were just messing with you Someoka."

"Well its good to see you aren't down about Atsuya." As Shiro spoke a smile appeared on his face.

I smiled and went to say something, only to be interrupted by Nae. "Now that you mention it Atsuya's actually been passing the ball to her."

Someoka gave a small nod. "So I wasn't the only one that noticed, but something else seems different about him."

"He isn't wearing his scarf today."

As Shiro mentioned the scarf a small blush appeared on my face.

Nae looked at Atsuya for a moment. "I wonder why he didn't wear it, you think he left it inside the school."

Shiro looked like he was thinking for a moment. "He's never left it before...well lets not think about it to hard besides we should probably go back to practice."

A small sigh escaped my lips as they finally got of the subject of the scarf. "I don't know why im so embarrassed about them knowing what happened..."

"You coming (y/n)?"

"Yeah im coming." Quickly getting up I followed Nae back to the field."

{Time skip}

"By everyone!" I smiled as I waved goodbye to everyone. "Well you ready to head home Stitch?"

Woof~ Woof~

I giggled at his little bark. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Hey (y/n) wait!"

I turned to see the Fubuki twins. "Oh hey Shiro and Atsuya, what's up?"

A soft smile appeared on Shiro's face. "I figured we could walk together since we are pretty much going to the same place."

I smiled. "Sounds good to me." With that we headed in the direction of our homes.

"So what did you think of the training champ (y/n)?"

I smiled. "It was really fun and I got to get to know the team better." As I spoke I looked at Atsuya from the corner of my eye.

A small blush appeared on his face before he looked away. I giggled before turning back to Shiro.

After a couple of minutes of walk and talking we finally made it to our houses. "Well it was fun talking with you (y/n)."

I gave a small nod. I watched as they headed to the door before I remembered Atsuya's scarf. "Ah wait Atsuya."

The salmon haired male looked at me  confused. "What?"

I grabbed my bag and quickly pulled out his scarf. "I ment to give you your scarf back dearing practice, but I figured you didn't want the others to see."

He looked at it for a moment before handing it back to me. "You can keep it if you want..."

I looked at him confused for a moment. "Are you sure?"

He looked at me with a blank expression "Yeah...besides I have more in my room."

I smiled and wrapped it around my neck. "Thanks." As I said that I gave him a quick peck on the check. "And thanks for the other night." With that I headed to my Aunts house.

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