Chapter 14

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I sighed as I slid into the make shift bed, that was made for me. "Well so much for trying to become friends with Atsuya..."

"Don't worry (y/n) we still have tomorrow." As Nae said that she plopped down into the bed next to me.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "I wish I was as optimistic as you are Nae.

She giggled and went to say something, only for the lights to be turned off.

I chuckled. "Well I guess that's are cue to go to sleep."

"Yeah, well goodnight (y/n)."

"Goodnight Nae." With that I pulled the covers over me and slowly started to drift off.

"Do you guys have to go?" I looked up at my parents with a pleading look. "Can you at least let me come along?"

My mother gave a small smile. "I wish we could sweaty, but you know we can't..."

A small chuckle escaped my fathers lips. "Besides even if you were able to come pink in you would be bored out of your mind."

I gave a small sigh.. "Still it would be better then just staying here and doing nothing..."

Both my parents looked at eachother, before my father spoke again. "I know its hard being home alone, but I promise we will be back as soon as we can."

"(F/n) we better hury, before we miss are flight."

Before I could say anything the door shut befind them and I was greeted with the sound of a crash. Opening my eyes I was greeted by the sight of my parents crushed bodies.

"(Y/n)...why...why did you do this to us."

A shiver went down my spine as I looked up to see both my crushed parents looming over me. "I...didn't m-mean..."

"This is your fault...if you hadn't tried to stop us we wouldn't be like this!"

Tears filled my eyes as my fathers voiced echoed in my head. "I'm sorry... I tried to!"

"You did nothing! You disgrace of a deserve to die along with us!" As their voices echoed in my head, the room begain to fill with mucky water

I tried to fight the dark waters, but nothing working and before I knew it I begain to drown...

{End of dream}

I gasped as I awoke from my nightmare. Tears started to fall again as my parents voices started to echo in my head. Reaching for my phone I turned it on I called Hiroto. "Please answer please answer." Snapping me out of my thoughts was the sound of his voice mail. "No no no Hiroto please pick up!"

I tried to call a couple more times, but each call was answered with a voicemail. More tears started to fall as the dream played over and over in my head. "Your fault...your fault...its your fault." Shaking my head I slowly got to my feet and tiptoe outside.

Once I was outside in the cold silence I leaned agains the wall and just let the tears take over. "Why...what did I do to deserve this...maybe it is my fault."


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