Chapter 6

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"I told you to only use the key in emergencies!" Hanna said, with clear frustration in her voice.
SO SHE GAVE HIM A KEY!! I started to get angry. It was like in the cartoons when you get a read face a smoke puffs out your ears. But I think I must have been doing a good job hiding it because nobody noticed. And also HOW MANY OTHERS HAVE A KEY??!!
I turned to Hanna and gave her in which I was like what the flip. She noticed me this time. "He is drake, my boyfriend."  I suddenly got confused who were the others then? Did he know about them? Why was I getting so angry?
"It was an emergency." Drake pushed. Hanna rolled her eyes. "IT WAS! The new sophomore bowling alley has opened again!" Hanna's eyes lit up with joy and her cheeks beamed with happiness.
They both ran out of the dorm together leaving me by myself contemplating what just happened. What had just happened? Everything seemed to go by in seconds. Non the less I was confused. After a good five minutes, I decided to just leave it, after all, it was none of my business.

I sat down on my computer and looked at the project me and chad had made. I don't know why but it felt like every time I was on my computer I had to look at the work we both had done. I had put it off the real reason I had looked at it the first couple of times, claiming it was proofreading. But now I think I have come to accept that I wanted the memory of me and him being together to live on forever. Just then I realised I was becoming crazy inside my own head, I will always remember that moment.

Just then I realised that I was not in a 'liking' stage with Chad. I was in LOVE! Oh my god, why does this happen now? I mean how could I even LOVE him? I mean he isn't perfect. He only has amazing hair... and those ocean blue eyes... UGH! How though, HE KICKED ME OUT, MY CLASS!

Well come to think of it, He didn't exactly kick me out. He just distracted me, so I became late. Then my teacher stupidly said I couldn't come back. To be honest it actually was my fault... BUT HE WAS THE REAL REASON. I have to keep telling myself that. After all, that was the only thought to keep me away from him. But my thoughts keep drifting back to him...

I slammed my computer as quickly and as hard as possible. I hated being in love. IT WAS DRIVING ME CRAZY! But It kinda felt good when I forced my laptop to vent a few my anxieties on the computer though...
Before I knew it I was standing in a mess of a bedroom. There was pillows thrown about, duvets on the floor and not to mention all my school books either ripped or creased. BUT MAN THAT FELT GOOD! To be honest it was the one thing I had enjoyed since coming here.
I stood in the middle of the mess I had created and I was all smiley until...

I don't know why, but I was in kind of a bubbly faze after this, you know, me destroying my room, so I didn't respond.
" Are you on drugs?" She said with an actual tone of care in her voice. She rushed up to me. It sounded like she was panicking. In between breaths to try to calm herself down she said: "I know it's hard to stop the addiction, and it is easy to turn to them in times of stress, trust me I have been there befor-"
This line snapped me out of it. Okay. OKAY. So not ONLY has my roommate been underage drinking BUT she has ALSO been on drugs?! HOW DID I EVEN GET A ROOM WITH HER?
"I'm sorry but what now?" Was all I could make out. I have learnt so much about Hanna these past few days! "OH THANK GOD YOU ARNT ON DRUGS!" She sounded relieved. THEN SHE JUMPED INTO MY ARMS AND HUGGED ME! It was like a big bear hug. All warm and cuddly.  Maybe we are friends after all.

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