Chapter 16

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It was the next day now. And it was a normal college day, It felt like ages since it was one of those days, and I went to art and french class. To be honest they were both kind of  boring but at least it was something to do. And more importantly it gets my mind off things. Nonetheless, I was shattered after them both.

With every step I seemed to become more sleepy. I just wanted to go back to my dorm and sleep for like 10 hours. As I was walking along the corridor. I passed my old English classroom. It kind of made me sad walking past there. I enjoyed those classes so much when I was taking them.
I got caught by surprise though when I saw my old teacher staring at me.
She seemed friendly. As if nothing had happened.
"Hi?" I said in the most uncomfortable tone you could imagine.
"I actually wanted to talk to you! Would you mind coming in the classroom for a bit?"
I couldn't really deny a teachers request whether I wanted to or not. So I reluctantly agreed.
I sleepily walked in. The place was deserted. It looked exactly the same as when I was taking the classes. But what was I expecting? They hardly ever change the place around.

"Would you like to sit?" my teacher said. I took the invitation ad sat down at the nearest seat to her desk. 
"Okay, I must note that i'm very sorry for what happened when I kicked you out the class. I was having a really rough day where I had had an argument with my husband, and I know that doesn't excuse what I did but I thought you should know that it wasn't your fault."
She took a deep breath.
I felt like I should say something to be nice, so I replied with,

"Its okay miss, it's in the past now."
"I know I know. It just seems like i should tell you this. You're welcome to keep coming to these classes again. You only missed a few assignments which im sure we can make up for..."
I guess she saw my bitter face, because I sure felt it. I think it was just the thought of having chad in the same class as me again made me feel a bit uneasy.
"Unless there is something your worried about..." she continued.
"Oh no no no. I really do want to come back..."
"Then what stopping you?!" she joked.
"It's a long story, It's something to do with the person sitting in front of me."
"Let me guess, Chad. I've heard things about him from Hanna."
"When did you hear that?" I asked trying to keep my cool.
"I wasn't always an english teacher, I used to be an emotional support kind of person at this school. It was before I got this promotion to work as what you know me for today, an english teacher."

That gave me some relief. I almost had a panic attack.
"Oh okay." I said as calmly as I could.  
There was an awkward moment of silence... all I could think about was how badly wanted to just go to my dorm and relax. I could feel my eyelids drooping already...

When It was clear that this conversation isn't going anywhere, I took it upon myself to make an excuse to go. I started going through my mind with what I had to do. I did actually have some art homework which wasn't due for weeks but I could probably get away with it.
"So... Thank you for inviting me in, but i have to get home and do my art homework. I will consider your offer to come back." I got up and picked up my bag.
"Thank YOU for understanding and i really do hope you come back. If you want I could move your seat."
I nodded at her and went for the door.

As soon as I came out of the classroom and the door was shut, I let out a massive breath that I had been holding. I guess it was good that I could go back to class, but I wanted to play safe from chad. I yawned. I wish everything could just go back to they way it used to be when I was 12. Okay, I have to admit at that age there was frustrating things, but i could just imagine being picked on is better than being you know what.
I yawned again less than 20 seconds after the first. All this thinking is making my mind spin and I just want to go to the dorm...


I almost sleep walked to the dorm. I was on autopilot mode at that point. Everything around I didn't really take note of. So i got the shock of my life when the buzz from my phone sent me back down to planet earth. I reached for my phone ,which seemed like miles away is my small handbag. It was Hanna.

Rebecca Help me now. Chad is after me. I'm in the cafe, come ASAP.

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