Chapter 20

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The walk to the head teachers office seemed to last longer than anything ive ever experienced before. I think I would have died if it had lasted longer.  All throughout the journey I was constantly looking at the ground. Normally It would be shame making me do this but the main reason for this was that I was on the verge of tears and i didnt want my head teacher to notice.

Halfway to the office i couldn't hold in my tears, they were actually stinging my eyes at this point. I could only imagine how red they must have looked. As for the teardrops, every few moments they would drop to the ground. To other people they probably wouldn't have heard them even in pin drop silence but for me it was like sharp glass shattering into the floor.
Despite all this though I was silent crying. I didn't even let out a sniff, and sometimes that's really hard, at least for me anyway.

What seemed like a lifetime later we both reached the door to his office. A part of me didn't want to go in, to just run away and deal with it later, but I knew that would probably have a worse outcome to what would happen next. So I stayed where I was, waiting for him to unlock the door.


As soon as the door clicked to signal that the door was unlocked my headmaster stepped aside and gestured for me to go in first. For one awkward second i just kind of stared at him thinking about all the possible outcomes of this. When I finally came out this zone however, i found that my legs were shaking and my palms were sweaty.  I tried not to take to take this into account though of this as I nodded at him and took a step in to his office.

When i was officially inside, the first thing I noticed was the smell. It was one of those smells where you have just got inside a new car and everything smells brand new. Although i would have thought this impossible if I wasn't there myself. This very room seemed to be at least 30 years old. But i don't know what else to tell you. It seemed just like new.
The next thing I saw was a walnut coloured wooden desk. This was the only part of the room where there was tiny dust particles, and even then it was a very little amount. One thing you have to know about this room was - although there were many framed certificates - everything was clean and minimal.There just seemed to be the basic teachers essentials. It was nice and all but it just made the room seem basic.

Realising i had probably been standing in the same place for too long, I swiftly took a few steps into the room. As I did so I heard the footsteps of my head teacher walking behind me.
Soon I found that he was sat in a chair on the opposite side of the desk, doing that weird movement to tuck yourself in.
"Please, Miss Rebecca... take a seat"
I inhaled and exhaled. People always says doing this calms you down, and it does in some situations, but unfortunately not all of them. This one included. Then like a robot i sat down as steady as I could. I didn't want to make even more of a bad impression than I already have.
When I finally sat down, I made extra sure to not cross my knees, I think it seems when you do that, that your in a comfortable position. This couldn't be more different than what I was feeling.
In the short amount of time that I had sat down, I heard my headteachers keys on this computer clicking away. Under his breath I could hear him mumbling what he was saying. BUt as soon as i tried to listen in he stopped as if on cue and looked at me with a fake smile

"It has been brought to my attention..." I gulped.
"That you have been abusing chad."

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