Seconds to Death

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Before that in the last episode :

As Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi (XANAfied) attack the Einsteins, Aelita and Jeremy 'acts like the attack in the gym', where she jumps through her crush. Soon after that, Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi electrocute the Einsteins to make them fainted, and now the three are collecting some power to attack the unconscious bodies of their Einsteins (stacked with Aelita's on top of Jeremy), to meet their death of course. Will the two die in the hand of their friends? Or will the miracle comes and saves them?

Now :

William is transfered to the Carthage Entrance of  Lyoko, then he runs to find the clone of Aelita on the interface. When he arrived, the Mantas are ready to attack everyone around the interface. Soon, Franz Hopper arrives there by a shape of white, glowing ball.

William : "Franz? What the hell are you doing here? And for what purpose you need me here?"

Franz : "Look! Mantas! Cover Aelita there, don't let her destroyed!"

William : "But she's just a clone"

Franz : "Yeah, but... Just cover her as she tries to execute the program. Jeremy, can you give the supercomputer's reserved energy to this program?"

William : "So...this is because of the lack of energy? I'll give all my energy for that"

Franz : "No, William... your energy is very limited, and as you see, Mantas try to attack us"

William : "But I contain huge energy from XANA... probably I can give it to the program"

Franz : "It's a kind of useless....lemme give my energy for that"

William : "Please don't do this, Franz... As you said that you're Aelita's father, she really needs you with her as "a father and his child", if you die here, she'll be very sad"

Franz : "That's the only way...and if this program fails, Aelita and Jeremy will be passed out there, making XANA so invulnerable"

William : "You sure? I mean... as her father, she misses you, like my father misses me... You know that I was XANA's member, trapped in the network,...."

Franz : "I know, but I must do this... I create Lyoko and XANA, and to destroy him, I must sacrifice myself."

William : "Okay, I'll cover you from his monsters."

*Franz sacrifices his power to the program so the clone of Aelita can execute that program while William has killed the monsters around the interface*

*meanwhile, in the forest*

Odd (XANA) : "Ulrich, Yumi, ready for the great attack?"

U&Y (XANA) : "Ready"

OYU (XANA) : "Three...two..." *directing through the unconscious Aelita and Jeremy 's bodies*

*back to the lab*

J-clone : "Woah, the energy is quite high... Aelita, can you execute the program?"

A-clone : "Oh...trying on it"

Franz : "Activate now..., Aelita...for the goodness of Earth"

*The clone of Aelita finally executes the anti-XANA program, spawning some white multiagents from the core of Lyoko to the network. Lyoko is having an electric-flash that deactivates all the tower*

*in the forest*

OYU (XANA) : "One..." *starting the electric big balls to attack the real 'Einsteins'*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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