Part 8 - Stalker

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I arrived at the office earlier than usual, Khushi was going to start her shoot with us today and I couldn't wait to see her, I had no idea what had got into me but it was like no matter how much I looked at her, it was never enough.

Unlike usual, Aman too wasn't early at work today, otherwise he was always the first one to arrive, I wondered what had held him up.

Just as I had settled down on my chair, I heard a knock at the door of my cabin and then the door opened as Khushi walked in dressed in a beautiful body hugging red dress with her straight hair hanging open till her waist, holy hell, she looked so gorgeous. God really did take time to make this beautiful woman.

"Thank God you're here, I guess I arrived earlier I was just kind of excited to start working with you, and then I arrived here and no one was there yet, so I thought I'd check if you are there and gladly here you are." She smiled as she pulled out a chair and settled down.

"Here I am." I smiled, she smiled back then looked around my office for a moment as she got lost in some thoughts while I couldn't stop staring at her.

"You look lost, something bothering you?" I asked.

"Not really." She shrugged.

"You can trust me." I said as I placed my hand on hers, she looked at me in surprise as I took my hand off nervous, what was I doing? If I acted this way, she was going to run away.

"It's stupid, I am not even sure but I think someone's following me. Last night after I left from the restaurant, I felt like someone was watching me outside my house, and today too while I was driving here, there was a car behind mine following me for so long, it might be a coincidence but I'm just too paranoid to believe it." She said looking worried.

"Well let's see, you're such a beautiful woman, the top most model obviously you have admirers but I guess this one admires you a lot more, I'll help you find out if it's someone actually following you or maybe you're actually just paranoid." I smiled at her.

"Thank you, I just want to be sure someone isn't following me and unless I'm sure I won't be at peace. I've heard a lot about stalkers and stuff so it kind of scares me." She giggled.

I wondered who it could have been that was following her, last night after she left from the restaurant with her boyfriend, I dint see anyone follow her, but if she felt it twice, there might be someone, I needed to find out because for some unknown reasons, I was already worried for her safety.

What was happening to me?

"Oh by the way, before we get busy into work and I forget it, I wanted to ask you, would you like to join me for dinner, tonight or maybe any other night when you're planning to eat out?" She asked as she looked me into the eyes.

"Sure, but why do you want to have dinner with me?" I smirked.

"I just saw you having dinner last night all alone and felt bad that you dint have a company so I thought I might be a friend and give you company once, I know what it feels like to be alone, it's not really a great feeling." She smiled but this time it wasn't a genuine smile and once again she got lost into some deep thoughts.

"Sure, I'd love to have dinner with you." I smiled at her and just then Aman rushed into my cabin holding files and folders in his hands.

"I'm sorry I'm late, just got stuck up in traffic, anyway I already sent the team earlier today at the venue to get stuff ready so I guess we should leave for the shoot." He said.

"Okay, get going, Khushi and I will follow you in my car." I smiled, he looked at me a bit hesitantly and then nodded as he headed out of the cabin, I stood up as I headed out too while Khushi followed me behind.

"It's an outdoor shoot, the location is really beautiful, I'm sure you'll love it." I said to her as we headed to the elevator.

"I love outdoor shoots, they are kind of fun." She smiled, she joined me inside the elevator as it took us to the basement parking where my car was parked, I couldn't take my eyes off her and I don't know why I had this sudden urge of kissing her, I wish I could but she had a boyfriend and it kind of sucked, lucky Aditya.

"We can go in my car together, we'll have to come back here after the shoot anyway, so you can leave your car here." I suggested.

"Sure." She smiled as she followed me to my car.


Once we arrived at the location, Khushi headed to the Vanity to get ready while I headed to check how the preparations for the shoot were going on.

Aman was talking to the photographer, the rest of the crew were busy decorating the location to be perfect for the shoot, I guess I had no much work so I pulled out a chair and settled down.

Once Aman was done talking to the photographer, he walked towards me and settled down beside me.

"Everything is set, once Khushi is ready we'll begin with the shoot." He sighed.

"Good work Aman, I'm impressed." I smiled at him, he just nodded and looked ahead, there was a beautiful swing fully decorated with flowers placed in the middle and the entire background had natural flowers, it was such a beautiful location.

"Wow!" I heard Aman exclaim in surprise, I turned to look at him and found him looking behind so I did the same and once I turned around, I was left in awe.

Khushi had just walked out of the vanity dressed in one of the beautiful piece we designed, her hair was styled into a side bun and her make-up was natural but so perfect, she looked like a fairy, a real life Cinderella.

Everyone present was now staring at her and admiring how beautiful this woman was, she smiled nervously as she stopped next to the swing, the photographer started instructing her and she started posing while he captured photos of her.

All I could do was stare at her with my eyes wide open, I was so sure our new collection was going to sell so fast seeing how gorgeous she looked in our first dress.

She was definitely going to do justice to all the pieces we had created.

"You were right Arnav, now I understand why you were so adamant about her being our model, no one else could have done this clothes justice like she does." Aman said still staring at her in awe.

"I told you so." I smiled.

Once the photographer was done taking enough pictures, Khushi went to change and the circle continued, from one dress to another, this girl seemed not to get tired at all.

By the time we were done with the shoot, she had changed almost ten dressed, hairstyles and make up to suit each of them, who said models had an easy life?

After pack up, she settled beside me and sighed she looked really tired, it must have been a tiring day for her actually.

"So what did you think? Did I stand up to your expectations?" She asked as she looked at me with a nervous smile.

"You were perfect, I have no words to explain how perfect you were so instead I'll just take you to dinner and get you some yummy food to eat, that's if you're okay with going today, you look tired you must need rest." I looked at her hoping she would agree.

I wanted to spend as much time as I could around her because it was never enough.

"It's five o'clock, I can reach home by six and take a short nap and be fine, we can meet for dinner at eight." She said.

"Okay I'll pick you up, I have a place in mind." I smiled.

"Great then, can we get going so I can have enough time for a nap?" She giggled.

"Sure, sorry I forgot your car was still at the office, I can drop you home directly if you want." I suggested.

"No, its okay, just take me to the office then I'll head home from there."

"As you wish." I smiled as I stood up, I gave her my hand to hold and gladly she did, she was kind of tired and I just wanted to support her a bit, we headed to the car and I helped her inside and then drove us back to the office.

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