Part 53 - New Life

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Moving out and living on his own wasn't easy for Arnav, he had never lived without his family so of course it had to be difficult and even though his family did try to convince him against it, Ishani stood by his side and supported him, she knew this was the right thing for him to do and thank god he did it, it was good that he always listened to Ishani.

It had been almost three months since he moved out of their Royal palace and started living with Aman, I knew he missed them, and although he was allowed to meet some members of his family who dint have any kind of negative influence on him, he still missed his parents, especially his mother, he wouldn't tell me about it, but I knew it.

The best thing that came out of this was that he was actually getting better, his temper had gone way down, he was also becoming very calm, Aman and I always made sure to keep him busy with stuff so he wouldn't have to think about his family.

I knew in some months he was going to be completely fine and I couldn't wait for it, I couldn't wait for him to heal soon and get back to being himself, the actual person that he was without his family torturing his mental health.

I was seated opposite him pretending to read a book as he worked on his laptop while I just stared at him with a stupid smile on my face. There was just something different about him, I couldn't really put a finger on it, nor say what specifically had changed but he just seemed calmer, more at peace with himself.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm not going to be able to work." He smirked as he looked away from the laptop and at me.

"What can I do, I have such a good looking boyfriend." I smirked back at him.

"Ahaan? What's going on in that dirty little mind of yours?" He shut the laptop and stood up as he walked towards me.

"Weren't you supposed to be working?" I raised my eyebrow as he sat beside me, I liked teasing him, it was fun.

"That can wait, this can't." He said as he grabbed my face and kissed me, every time he kissed me it would feel like he was kissing me for the first time. Those stupid butterflies in my stomach, the giddiness, the goosebumps, I felt it all.

He slowly explored each and every corner of my mouth with his tongue, every now and then biting my lower lip lightly, he was turning me on and this wasn't the place to feel this way.

"Aman will see us." I said as I pulled apart from the kiss panting for breaths. Seriously Arnav, how did you do it?

"I don't care." He moved towards my lips again.

"It's going to be awkward Arnav." I pouted blocking the kiss.

"Oh God, what will I do to you." He sighed as he stood up and headed to lock the door, Aman had gone out for some shopping leaving the both of us alone to spend some time.

Once he locked the door, he walked back towards me, smirking as usual, he bent down and picked me up in his arms and headed to his bedroom.

"Now, no one is going to see us." He said as he kicked the door so it would shut.

"I see someone is in some mood." I giggled.

"I am always in a mood when it comes to you. How do you do that to me?" He asked as he ran his fingers up and down on my hand giving me that tingling feeling.

"You do the same to me so how about you answer the question?"

"I don't feel like answering questions."

"Then what do you feel like doing Arnav?" I laughed.

"I feel like making love to my girlfriend." He said as he pushed me so I would lie down on the bed, he came over me, staring at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world and then slowly, he kissed me once again, on the lips, then heading down to my neck.

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