Part 29 - Movie

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Part 28:


I walked inside the house, Ananya seemed to be at work yet otherwise I found have found her seated in the hall watching TV as usual.

I sighed as I headed to my room, I really wish she had been back early today, I really needed a friend, a shoulder to lean on.

There was a lot that was going on in my mind that I couldn't explain to myself either. Worst of all, I never thought Arnav would behave with me the way he did.

I was literally shocked with his behavior.

I mean after we kissed, the way he told me that we were going to talk about it later gave me some hope, that maybe whatever I had started feeling for him wasn't one sided, but the way he changed his behavior suddenly was pretty weird.

He kind of made me feel like I was throwing myself all over him, I wasn't doing that! I was just kind of attracted towards him, how difficult was it for him to understand that?

Anyway I dint really have to bother about it given that it was our final shoot today and I wasn't going to meet him again so maybe as I stay away from him, I would start feeling better.

I hadn't signed anything new recently as I was trying to take a short break from work, and I guess it was the best time to take a break, I need to travel, do something, just get out of here and stop thinking about Arnav or anything about anyone at all.

Maybe I could ask Ananya if she was free and then the both of us would go on a girls trip, it would be so relaxing.

I sat on my bed silently looking at the view outside my window, and as much as I dint want to think about the kiss between Arnav and I, I couldn't stop thinking of it.

The way he reciprocated it, there had to be a reason why he did it, I couldn't accept he did just because it wouldn't be rude, he literally kissed me back, crazily, and it was the most beautiful kiss ever.

Stop thinking about Arnav!

Maybe I was feeling this way because I had just broken up with Aditya, maybe I just needed someone and maybe that was the reason I kissed Arnav.

Of course there had to be no feelings, I mean all this years I've dated a lot of guys but I never felt anything like love for them, the only thing I was looking for was love which never happened so why would it happen now?

But I couldn't deny, with Arnav, everything just felt different, only if he weren't a jerk about it I would at least spend more time with him and come to terms if this was all lust or I actually did feel something for him.

Anyway, there was no point of it now as I was never going to see him again.

I guess all is well that ends well.

"Khushi!" Ananya's screamed scared the hell out of me, I rushed out of my room immediately worried for her and when I reached the hall, she was standing there looking all excited.

"Why were you screaming?" I asked.

"Because I have some good news." She smiled as she rushed towards me and hugged me excitedly.

"And here I thought there was a serial killer behind you. You are going to give me a heart attack one day." I said as I broke the hug.

"Oh stop it, won't you ask me what the good news is?"

"Okay, what is the good news Ananya." I folded my arms and looked at her with a smile.

"So you know how about I signed this huge contract for modelling and I was working on it, so we were supposed to finish it in a day or two but we finished it all today."

"So what is good about that?" I raised my eyebrow.

"The good is yet to come, chill babe, come sit so I can tell you in details." She grabbed my hand and pulled me along, we both sat on the sofa and she continued speaking.

"So we had just wrapped up our shoot and this random stranger approached me, he had been there for a while watching us I guess he had some work with the people I was working with so that's why he was there, and then he introduced himself and I realized he was one of the big movie directors.

He asked me if I could go with him to his office to discuss about a movie he wanted to offer me and I was left stunned, I mean I hadn't seen this guy ever before, I had just heard his name and I knew how big he was, but what if it was a random person lying to me?

So anyway I quickly did some google search and found out he was actually the real one so I went with him, he gave me a script to read and told me he wanted me to play the lead in his film, I mean how exciting is that isn't it?" She smiled excitedly, it was actually exciting.

"Oh my god, that's huge, I am so happy for you Ananya." I hugged her happily, this was really big for her and the way she had always dreamt of achieving huge things, this was so great for her.

"It doesn't end here, I actually stayed there read the script and signed the film, I signed it like half an hour ago, and we would begin shooting for it from next week. Jeez I can't tell you how happy this makes me." she looked so happy and so excited, I was happy for her too.

"Okay now we should definitely party." I said.

"We will, but before that I have one more news."

"Wow, seems like you have a lot of good news today." I giggled.

"So this movie, it had two female leads in it, and the director said he wanted to cast both new comers and that they were looking for one more female lead, he asked if I knew anyone from our industry and I mentioned you, now he wants to meet you. Imagine both of us working together in a movie, it would be like a dream job."

"Thanks Ananya but I don't think I want to act in movies, I am doing the work I always wanted to, I don't want anything apart from that." I said.

"Are you sure? This could be big?"

"I am, I really don't want to work in movies, I don't even think I can act so I guess modelling is fine with me, but you should definitely do the movie." I smiled.

"Okay, if you don't want to I cant force, I'll tell them about it. Anyway now it's party time, let's change and head to our usual club." She stood up excitedly and rushed to her room to get ready as I headed to mine.

She was so happy today I dint want to ruin her moods by telling her about what had happened between Arnav and I today so I figured I would just keep it to myself.


We arrived at our usual club, dressed up prettily as always, Ananya was excited and happy about partying and dancing, all I wanted to do was get drunk so I can forget about Arnav and I.

I mean even when Ananya was continuously telling me every detail about this movie in the car, all I could think about was Arnav and that was kind of making me so angry now.

We settled down at the bar and ordered ourselves some shots, I took one and so did Ananya.

"Wow, I missed this, it's been long since we hanged out." She said.

"I know right, in fact I have an idea, how about we go for a trip somewhere? Your movie shoot starts next week and I am free too, we can go somewhere for a week." I suggested.

"You are right, I've always wanted to go out of the country, this is the perfect time. in fact I know what we should do, you have a picture of your passport in your phone right? Forward it to me, I know this guy who provides holiday packages, I'll send it to him and tell us to book us a ticket of tomorrow for a place where we wouldn't need Visa or we can get visa on arrival." She suggested.

"Let's do it, but will he get us tickets right now? It's late."

"Of course he will, he is a good friend of mine he will arrange everything for us don't worry." She assured me, I nodded as I forwarded her the picture and then she headed out to make the call to her friend outside and there was a lot of noise in here while I started gulping down the shots one by one.

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