Part 48 - Crazy, Deep, Mad.

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I parked my car and headed inside the mansion, I bumped into Ayush on the way inside, it dint seem like an accidental bump, it was like he purposely came to bump into me.

"What?" I looked at him angrily, I was already pissed about a lot of things.

"Just a moment." He smirked as he did something on his phone and the next moment, my phone started beeping continuously, I pulled it out of my pocket and checked what was going on.

I opened my WhatsApp and saw the images Ayush had sent me, they of Khushi from today's shoot, how did he even get there? And when did he take those pictures.

"At least we can be sure we have our wives to ourselves, what about you Arnav? Your girlfriends is letting so many men touch her." Ayush said.

"You are the one that sent me the pictures before too right?" I looked at him angrily, what was he up to?

"Of course I did, just trying to make you realize that you chose a wrong girl for yourself and this family."

"She is the right girl for me and whether you want it or not, I will get married to her, you can't stop me from it." I grabbed his collar and looked at him angrily.

"As you wish Arnav, then we will see you become just like us, trap your dear beautiful wife inside the house so no other men would look at us. You have loathed us forever haven't you? But look at yourself, you are just like us all, you want to be in control you want to own her. Look at you hating us for the things you are doing yourself now." He laughed at me mockingly.

"Why are you even doing this? Following Khushi everywhere? Do you think this pictures will change my feelings for her?"

"No but they will make you realize that you are one of us and maybe for once, you will look at us as your family and nothing else, and not hate us because you are just like us."

"Get lost. I will never be like you." I pushed him away as I headed straight to my room, I could deny it in front of Ayush all I wanted, but deep down I knew Ayush was right.

Even though all this years all I was trying was not to be like them, I was somehow becoming like them, and I hated it, I hated how I was turning into a person I dint want to be.

The way I behaved with Khushi was totally unacceptable and I couldn't do this to her, I had enough chances to control my anger and myself but I let it go to waste, I could no more see myself becoming just like one of my family members.

Moreover, I couldn't see Khushi getting hurt because of me, I loved her a lot but I think my love came along with an unhealthy obsession which wasn't good for either of us.

The right thing to do right now would be to break up with her, I knew it would hurt her but it was for her own good, I dint want to trap her inside my house because of me being jealous and obsessed, but as much as I wanted to do the right thing, I loved her a lot, and I just couldn't bring myself to break up with her.

Instead of coming back home leaving her hurt at the shoot, I should have apologized, what the hell was happening to me? Why was I becoming like this? Why was it that at one moment I acted so stupid with her and then the other moment I realized it, why couldn't I just do the right thing for once?

I rushed out of the mansion once again, got into the car and drove to Khushi's house, I had to talk to her and apologize to her, I had crossed a line today.

Once I reached, I rang the doorbell and waited for her impatiently, Ananya opened the door and looked at me in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, she looked angry. Of course she had to be angry, she had talked to Khushi and made her realize her feelings for me and now I was behaving so stupidly.

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