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andy's pov
i couldn't remember how many coffees i had. i was sleep deprived, my body only running on coffee and sugar.

the day i realised my mum was missing i knew i wouldn't stop searching for her until she'd be back home. alex was practically begging me to take a break, but i just couldn't. i knew i couldn't because if i tried to sleep the thought of her going through something like i went through would be there. haunting me.

i didn't know where to look, who to talk to, what to do, but i knew i needed to do something. i knew we needed to be quick or we wouldn't find her at all. after all, we've been through this a million times before.
but this time it was different; this time it was my mum.

"and, please," i heard, followed by a sigh, " please just take a break. you haven't slept in two days. this is not gonna help, you're exhausted," i felt two strong arms wrap around me and i felt my body relax into them, even though i didn't really agree with it. i massaged my temples, hoping i could make my headache go away.

i wouldn't let alex know, but i did cry at night, so much i could feel my heart breaking all over again. it was hard, knowing that the only person, my only family i had left, was god knows where with god knows who. probably someone who might have not liked me very much as well. "i can't. i just can't," i mumbled, my voice hoarse and sore from crying. i didn't even have to see him to know what look he had on his face; he was squeezing his eyebrows together, his lips in a line. he knew he couldn't really do anything with my decisions.

but my determination and stubbornness was the thing that usually helped me with my job. he pulled away from me. "can you get me a coffee?" i said, turning to him for the first time. he shook his head and sat down on the chair next to me. "i can help, you know? go to sleep for a bit, i'll try to look through some stuff..."

i groaned in frustration, standing up and lying down on the couch. "i just want her home," i mumbled. so far we had no leads, no suspects, no nothing. the only thing we knew was that she was abducted from her flat nearly seven hours ago. well, at least we thought it was seven hours ago. and that she was abducted. actually we had no idea at all.

"i know, andy. she will be home in no time, i promise you. her case is in the best hands right now," he gave me a reassuring smile, but i could see right through it. after all these months i spent living with him i knew he wasn't so sure about it. i closed my eyes, trying to at least rest for a bit. i knew al was right, this wasn't going anywhere cause i was too tired to think.

i was just hoping she'd come back to me.

not writing new chapters and just publishing the ones i already have? more likely than u think
but hey i wrote two new chapters today be proud
please spam me w ur comments i love reading them lolll love u
any amazing theories u guys have? 😎😎

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