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i felt sick.

she was sitting a few metres away from us, not even trying to escape anymore. she had blonde hair with hints of light grey, she was quite short. i was beyond confused, unable to think of a person who'd fit that description.

i looked up at my boss; he had a smirk on his face, obviously quite entertained by the situation. "do you recognise her at all?" i shook my head at the question, gripping the chair.

i didn't understand why he called me. he knew i wasn't good at getting rid of people; maybe it was the fact that i was quite petite, i didn't have strong arms like his other workers. he kept me for spying, usually, sometimes just things that needed to be done around the villa. he said i was his 'secret weapon', but i honestly couldn't see it. i mean, it's been five years since i saw my ex for the last time and everything seemed to be going quite well for everyone. it wasn't like he actually cared about me anyway. and even if he had, those feelings are long gone now. and other than that, i had no other use. i wasn't special in any way.

"i don't think anyone told you, but cops started to interrupt our plans. and our old friend is the head of it all," he said, making me look back at the woman in the corner. i studied her face; well, the part that wasn't covered and i was still lost. "who?"

"andy. andy fowler." i saw the woman stir at the use of his name, obviously uncomfortable. and i got it, i was uncomfortable too. i nodded, trying to regain my confidence at least a little bit. so he was a cop now. i honestly couldn't see how; he was never really strong, nor smart. looking back i knew it wasn't actually his fault that rye and i broke up; it was mainly my ex himself, his childish behaviour, him cheating on me with andy. but then again, i've done what i was told. i had no other choice. i had to. and i kind of wanted to.

"what's the point of all this?" i said, rubbing the sweat on my hands on my jeans. i just hoped he wouldn't make me kill her. i don't think i could handle that much blood again. "we're going to slowly take everything away from him. either he obeys and other than his job he won't lose anything, or he won't and we'll just have to," he draws a line along the woman's neck, "make him submit."

i can feel shivers going down my spine. i knew that my boss was a very dangerous man and he'd get what he wanted no matter what. but he wanted to do this to andy fowler? someone who's probably the most cared for person in this town? everyone knew that they couldn't touch him because of what rye did a few years ago.

"but... what about the agreement we made?" he just shrugs. "you didn't think i'd actually care, right? what is ryan going to do to us?" he laughs. i bite my lip at the mention of his name.

"but why did you call me? out of everyone?" i ask, watching him walk back to his chair and sit down. he gives me a smile and i look down at my feet.

right, of course.

hii everyone
i don't really know what to say but like please leave some comments? cause i love reading them lol
ok also thank u for 16k reads? i thinkkkk that's how much it has rn tysm

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