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And all the musicians don't age so 😝😝😝 yay 1D forever

No one's pov -

At the North Pole, north saw pitch who tried to attack the pole but then he was cornered and ran thank goodness, we can't let Christmas be ruined. North called the guardians in less than a min bunny was there then sandy and tooth came and of course after about 5min jack came in not even caring he was late. But they ignored it nothing can change jack and trust me they have tried. Jack still does not remember the beautiful girl he saw that one day he completely forgot her but not by his doing the moon made it this way. So back to what's happening (they will be talking a lot by the way).

North - "pitch was here he tried to attack but we scared him off" north acts all mighty and strong


North - " yes he was here but I did not see much of him but I "

Bunny - " ya ya ya you feel it in your belly"

Tooth - "let's not fight about this like last time but what should we do"

Sandy - *signs* " the moon helped us last time"

North - " yes manny what do we do"

The moon shined down onto the floor

Tooth - "looks like manny has something to say"

On the floor the moon shown down and it showed a black shadow of pitch.

Bunny - "it is pitch"

North pats his belly just as he did when jack was recruited as the new guardian. This memory did not lift bunny's spirits.

Then the the crystal rose

Tooth - " he's choosing a new guardian"

Jack - "cool so this was how I was chosen"

Bunny - " w-why we don't need help we got frostbite over here not long ago"

North - "manny thinks we do must be big deal and yes jack"

Jack - "wonder who it's going to be"

Sandy - *signs* "Cupid"

Tooth - maybe Cupid

Bunny - "please not the groundhog please not the groundhog"

The crystal shows a beautiful girl or as we know, angel

North - "mmmmm"

Tooth - "yay a girl what's her name"

Bunny - "her name is Unknown"

North - "I know her lovely girl who would like to go and get her"

Tooth - "but name?"

North - "some call her the wind others call her a muse. How about we ask her once we bring her here. So who wants to do it?"

-No one steps up-

North - "jack why don't you get her"

Jack - "ok"

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