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Renleigh Kensington

I hated panic. It always made me feel helpless and lost and those were things I despised feeling. When it came to it being related to someone close to me, everything just turned ten times worse. Especially my brother. He was pretty much the only person who I could go to and kind of just allow myself to be more than a strict boss—although Harry played a similar role in my life as well—and I didn't say it much, mainly because I couldn't, but I loved him a lot and I worried about him when he showed no signs of him being alive.

And it had been two weeks now that we have last spoken. I wasn't sure what was going on with him. He usually hit me up by now, asking for diesel money and he has not done that yet so automatically, I was really on the edge.

When I pulled up to the apartment where he lived with one of his mates, I already dreaded going up. The lad just irked me and I wanted him gone from my brother. I didn't think he was the perfect friend for him but then again, I had the tendency to be quite judgemental.

A few knocks on the door and a very tired looking Brandon faced me. He had dark circles under his eyes and they looked red, bloodshot. His skin was pale and I swear he looked skinnier than usual. It looked like he lost his muscles and stuff which I knew he cared for quite a lot, he lived at the gym if he wasn't in class or at work.

"Alright, will I have to interrogate you or are you giving yourself up willingly?" I asked him with furrowed eyebrows and stern voice. I walked past him and in the apartment which I expected to look messy and unkept.

"Hm, I don't know—will I have to interrogate you or will you give yourself up willingly?"

"Excuse me?" I laughed at him in disbelief. I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him with a shocked expression.

"Did you really think you could keep all of the shit you did during uni hidden under some kind of non-existent rug?" he asked as his voice started to get louder and louder. "Did you really think no one was going to find out about your pregnancy? The drugs you used?"

"What... what are you talking about?" I asked him, extremely confused. "I never used drugs in my life. I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Please, Renleigh," he laughed at me. "There is no need to fucking lie more."

"I'm not lying, Brandon."

"Well, then, I assume you have a great explanation for all the receipts I have."

"Receipts?" I asked. Where the fuck did he get all this shit from? Fuck.

"Cut the crap, Renleigh. Just tell me why you felt the need to fucking lie about all of this shit!"

"Lie about what, Brandon?" I shouted at him because I didn't want to talk about it. But he was very much like me and once someone set me off, there was no way I could calm down before it all got out of me. And this was happening to him right now. "What pregnancy and what drugs? Who filled your head with lies?"

"Alright, how about I show you instead?" he asked cockily. He walked past me, I assumed to his bedroom because I heard him bust open a door.

"By all fucking means," I replied as I followed him. "Whilst you are trying to find whatever it is you are trying to find—mind telling me why you look like someone out of The Walking Dead? And if it has anything to do with you not contacting me for so long?"

"Oh, it has everything to do with one thing—you, my darling sister."

"O-okay, what the fuck is up with you?" I laughed at the way he addressed me. He never called me that before, I have never even thought of him ever calling me that.

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