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Harry Styles

It made it into the headline of articles, the front pages of magazines and it never occurred to me that it could have happened. It did not cross my mind once that Louis could have done anyone else wrong because my focus was mainly on myself and the woman who I loved more than anything else. My priority was us but nevertheless, it made me feel relieved knowing he was going to spend a good chunk of his life behind bars.

Life was now somewhat back to normal. Work became my main focus because with everything that constantly seemed to happen, my projects been placed on hold or simply they were pushed back to a later date.

GUCCI x STYLES was launching online in a matter of minutes. I cracked my knuckles although I was against it. The pressure and excitement were unbearable and my stomach churred. Within those few minutes, I felt like throwing up more times than I have in the last year and the cold sweat that covered my whole entire body was insane. I felt sticky and I desperately needed a shower but I wasn't at home and I didn't think of ever installing a damn shower in my office.

Then it was live.

And I kept refreshing the page because I didn't want to believe it. The clothing line was out and there for everyone to see. I grinned as I clicked on every single item and then refreshed the whole page again. This was so unreal. Everything that I have worked on, all my sweat, blood and tears that have gone into this project was worth it because it all worked out and everything looked fucking amazing. I was really proud of myself for pushing through the unbearable travelling between Italy and London, for all the meetings that had to be held because I changed my mind the last minute about the design or the material.

I chuckled lightly when my phone kept ringing with all the texts that came through and with how relieved I was to finally have it all out there, I didn't even bother putting the device on silent. I leaned back in my chair and allowed all my acquaintances and friends and family and business partners and clients to flood my phone with texts.

In all honesty, when I started this work, I believed that I wouldn't be on my own when the launch happens. I believed that I would be in a different situation, in a different scenario but that didn't matter anymore. That would never happen and I had to accept that. I had to accept the consequences of my actions even though what I did was for the best.

The launch party was tonight. I didn't think it was necessary to wait for the weekend and it's not like anyone ever said no to a party with an open bar. The invite went out to the usual people and some new investors and partners, I even felt the courage to send one to Zayn. I thought we got along well and although I knew he most likely sided with Renleigh through all of this, I believed that there was no harm caused in giving him an invitation.

Not that I expected him to turn up. He was in New York, busy and probably didn't even get the letter in the mail.

You know he did. You made sure to send his earlier so that it for sure arrived on time and he had the chance to consider it.

Guilty as charged.

But for some weird reason, I thought that maybe he would bring Renleigh along and we could talk. Or at least, I could see her. I didn't deserve it but I missed her so much more than I could have ever put it into words. It got to the point where I believed I missed her more now than I have in the past year and that could have been due to the fact that this time around, I knew I wasn't going to see her.

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