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Anna's POV

"Excuse me can I help you?" A voice behind me says.

I turn around only to be met with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"Y-yes. I-I'm looking for J-Jill Ellis' room."

Why the fuck am I stuttering?

"Right this way" The goddess says and I follow her.

"I'm Anna by the way."

"I'm Christen."

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well."

Christen slows down as we approach a door and I take this as an opportunity to ask her a question.

"Hey Christen?"


"I know this may be very sudden, but would it be possible for me to get your number?" I ask.

"Why don't you hand me your phone and find out."

I waste no time and hand over my phone. Christen then types something into my phone and hands it back.

"I texted myself so I already have your number...this is coaches room."

"Thanks." I say.

Christen nods then walks away. As she leaves I take out my phone and pull up her contact.

Me: Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?

Christen: You asking me on a date?

Me: I believe I am.

I then hear the most adorable laugh ever which causes me to look up and see Christen looking at me.

"Pick me up at 7." She says.

"See you then" I say.

Christen smiles at me then walks into a room.

What the fuck?

That went better than expected.

Once Christen's door is shut I knock on the door in front of me and a few seconds later the US coach opens the door. The two of us talk for a little bit then I leave, knowing everything is in order, and head back to my hotel. When I arrive at my hotel I head up to the room where the other 3 ladies are chilling.

"Hey Anna."

"Hey Freya." I say and sit in the open chair. "How'd everything go with you three?"

"Group B is happy and comfortable." Leah says.

"So is group C." Freya says and hands me a drink.

"As is group D." Beth says.

"Sweet then we're all good."

The three of us relax for a while and chat while the tv plays in the background. The four of us come to the decision that there is way to much 'reality' TV on American TV. Like seriously why are there 17 shows about rebuilding a house?

"Oh shit." I say when I notice it's 5:30.

"What?" Beth asks as I get up from my seat.

"I have a date at 7."

"With who?" Freya asks as I reach the door.

"An American."

"Traitor." Leah teases.

All their spouses are American.

I leave the room and head to my own and choose what to wear. When I decide what I'm going to wear I get in the shower and get clean and sweet smelling. Once I'm clean I dry myself off then get ready for the date.

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