Anna has had a very hard upbringing, but she's defeated every hurdle thrown her way. But what will happen when her biggest secret comes to light and how will her life change?
"Got everything?" Meghan asks causing me to check my pockets
"I think so." I mumble.
"Listen." Kate says and cups my face. "Christen loves you and she's going to say yes then you two are gonna come back here and we're gonna celebrate. Okay?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Now move your cute little red headed butt over to that hotel, pick up your girlfriend and turn her into your fiancée." Meghan says.
I grab everything I need then I head out of the palace and get in my car. I then make the five minute drive over to Christen's hotel. I pull up to the hotel then get out of the car right as Christen comes out of her hotel and I instantly know I'm making the right decision.
"Holy shit." I say as I help Christen into the car.
"What?" Christen asks.
"You look...beautiful."
"Thanks." Christen says while blushing. "You look beautiful as well."
"Thanks." I say then shut the door.
I rush around to my side then get in the car and right as I shut the door I am pulled into a passionate kiss.
"Well hello to you too." I say when we need air.
"Hi Baba." Christen says with a smile.
"Hi beautiful." I say with a smile. "So you know how you told me you wanted to see one of my favorite places I shared with my Mum?"
"Well I was thinking I could show you one of my favorite places before we go to dinner."
"I'd love that." Christen says with a smile.
"Great." I say.
The two of us drive five minutes back to the palace then we get out and I lead Christen to one of my favorite place's Mummy and I would hang.
"Well this is one of my favorite places I shared with my Mum." I say and gesture to said place
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"What would you guys do here?" Christen asks as I subtly take the a small velvet box from my pocket.
"We'd help plant flowers, Mummy would teach me about the different flowers in the garden, or we'd sit and have story time." I say as Christen turns around to look at the flowers.
I take this opportunity to kneel on the ground then I grab Christen's hand then tug on it. Christen then turns around and her eyes widen and her free hand flies to her mouth.
"Anna." Christen gasps and looks down at me as I hold onto her hand.
"Christen ever since you came into my life I've been the happiest I've ever been. You made me believe in love and you made me believe that I am worthy to be loved. Everyday with you is the best day of my life and I can't think of anybody else, but you that I want to travel around the world with, raise a family with, and spend the rest of my life with." I say then I take a deep breathe. "Christen Annemarie Press will you make me the happiest woman alive and become my wife?"