Chapter 1

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  "Mom, I'm going on a walk!" Emma yelled across the yard. She started walking toward the small wooded road and stopped to breath in the crisp fall breeze. She sat down on a huge rock, and took out her notebook. " Tonight will be the night I will finally get to see Luke!" She wrote rapidly. "I don't see why dad doesn't want me to go, but it doesn't matter he seems like a nice guy to me." Time slowly ticked by as she waited for him to pick her up.

      "Maybe he had to get gas." Emma's mom said trying to get her spirits up. "There he is now!" ,He pulled up in a big black truck and carefully got out. "Hi, Emma!" ,He yelled across the field. "Hi." Emma dreamily whispered. "I'm leaving I'll be back at 8:00." Luke opened the door for her noticing the way her auburn hair flowed it the wind. "I'm glad you agreed to go out with me!" Emma said excitedly. "Emma, I have wanted to go out with you for long time now." Luke said looking strait into Emma's eyes. Soon, it was 8:00 and Emma sprinted to the door her mom and dad were waiting at. "Sorry, there was a lot of traffic." Emma blurted out. "It's fine! So, how was your date?" Her mom asked. "Um... Good I really like him."

      " I am going to the lake!" Emma exclaimed in a hurry. She walked to where her notebook was hidden and sighed of relieve. If anyone found out what I have written in here I would die. Emma thought. She was to busy writing to notice that there was a weird noise coming from the woods.

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