Chapter 9

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     Later that day...

       Everyone was fed up with this already. Knowing that he was going to jail was the greatest feeling in the world for the whole Carter family. Emma was sitting by the window not really wanting to really talk to anyone. She knew she should be happy but something held her back from it. Adam was crazy and there was no doubt about that, but he was also extremely clever. There was no doubt in Emma's mind that he would be back. He would come back for revenge and fight back hard. "Em, I know this has got to be hard, but you are finally safe. You deserve to just relax with your family." Luke joined her by the window. "Luke, you just don't understand. You don't know how hard it is to watch someone you thought loved you go to prison." Emma talked without thinking about who she was talking to. "Luke, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." Luke looked down at his feet trying to hide how hurt he was. "I really wish you were right, Emma. I do know what that feels like, and I understand that this has been a lot for you. I don't understand exactly what you're going through, and I wish that I did so I can help you. Emma, I love you, but you need to understand that I'm trying to recover too." Luke let out a huge sigh and noticed how taken aback Emma was. "Okay." That was all Emma could say. She felt as if she couldn't move. All she ever wanted to do was look out for Luke and would never try to hurt him. They both knew deep down that they could never completely understand each others situations.

     Luke left the house and Emma's mom went over to the window where Emma sat there dumbfounded. Without saying a thing Emma hugged her mom as tears ran down her face. "I'm an idiot, mom. I just pushed away one of the most important people in my life." Emma said after she thought she could speak without crying. "Emma, he loves you so much. He won't stay mad for long; You know I wouldn't even be surprised if by tomorrow you two are best friends again." Her mom always knew what to say at these times. It was around nine and Luke wasn't home yet. "Emma, are you really going to wait up for him?" Her mom asked starting up the stairs to go to bed. "Yeah, I have to make up with him before it's too late." Emma said looking at her phone and then the door.

     Soon, it was sometime toward midnight and Emma was tired of waiting around. Then all of the sudden she heard the door close. Luke came in and ran to hug Emma. He held her as tight as he could and whispered in her ear "I am so sorry... You know I would never ruin our relationship because of something like that, right?" Emma welcomed his warm embrace and noticed the tear stains on his face. "Luke, I thought you weren't coming back. I thought I lost you. This was all my fault and I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with, but I promise I'll try to be." Emma was holding back tears and so was Luke. All of the sudden Luke picked her up and carried her up the stairs. When he sat her down in the doorway they instantly leaned in for a kiss. "I love you." Luke said as he left for his room. "I love you too." Emma called back knowing that he was still mad.  Emma went to go sleep, but she didn't want Luke to go to bed angry. Her mom had always told her not to, and she wondered if Luke ever had someone to tell him these kind of things. She decided that she would go in so they could actually talk about it. "Luke, we need to talk about what happened." Emma said looking across the room toward him. "Em, can we talk in the morning? I just need space right now." He sounded as if he had been asleep before she came in. She sat down on the bed and moved the blanket from over his head. "Luke, I know I hurt you, but not talking is hurting just as much." Luke sat up and pulled Emma closer to him. He looked into her eyes and moved the hair from her face. " Em, I really don't want to lose you. I just have a lot on my plate right now and I don't want to mess this whole thing up in the process. The fact is that I just don't want to lose you; I can't lose you. Emma May Carter, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I was so scared I was going to mess everything up that I did. I will be forever sorry for that." They both just sat there not knowing what to say or what to do when they heard a door open. It was weird for her parents or brother to be up this late, but no one was to concerned. That was until they heard sirens in the distance.

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