Chapter 2

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     Emma looked up at the moon and smiled. Suddenly hearing the noise she looked up, and she noticed nothing. A burning sensation started in her shoulder and blood oozed from it. Emma started to feel faint. Her instincts told her to run, but she was so weak she couldn't. In a blink of an eye she was tackled down to the ground by a large shadow. Emma's mind raced with thoughts and fear. What am going to do? A voice broke her thoughts. "Don't say anything or it will be the last thing you say!" A deep voice called as she was slammed against a tree. Emma was paralyzed by fear and hoped her parents or anyone at that point would come to her rescue. A truck was coming up to the tree and came to an stop when it saw her. "Get in the truck!" A stern voice said in her ear.

     Emma stepped in a instantly fell to the floor. She was dizzy and sore, but she knew she had to stay alert. If she didn't then she would never escape. She slowly fell asleep and hoped to was just a dream. She awoke to aches everywhere and heard soft whispers. "What are we going to do with her now?" A few voices rang out. "I don't know. All I know is that I better get famous for it." A strict confident voice called out.  All he wants is to be famous, Emma thought, maybe he'll be famous iprison! Anger and confusion was not only on Emma's face but also on the faces of the kidnapper's. She heard footsteps leaving the echoing room. Then a warm whisper came to her ear. "I'm so sorry." The voice said. Is he kidding! Emma thought what did do to deserve this! Her mind went back and forth between her family and Luke. Have they even noticed I'm gone..... 

     Meanwhile Emma's mom was calling the police and her dad was searching the woods. Luke's phone rang telling him that Emma was gone. "She has to be in  the house somewhere!" Luke screamed through the phone in pain and despair. The kidnappers left the room and Emma started to look around. phone! Emma frantically dialed 911. "My name is Emma Carter and I've been abducted. I need help!" Emma begged. "Where are you?" Asked the operator. " I'm about 20 miles from Quinn Lake. " Emma guessed.

      The police called Emma's mom and told her the news. Meanwhile Emma heard many police cars pulling in at all directions. Yes I'm finally safe, Emma thought. She heard footsteps running down the stairs. "Hide her!" She heard someone scream. "We need to hide her for now then we will kill her!" An evil chuckle came out of his mouth. "Just kill me already! I don't care anymore, so let me go!" Emma begged and cried. The man suddenly grabbed a fist full of her hair. "Don't tell me what to do!" He yelled! "Police! Open up!" Emma heard from the tiny room she was thrown into. The door came down and dust flew everywhere knocking Emma to the floor. "Emma, we're coming!" A reassuring voice called out. Blood oozed from Emma's leg and things started to turn to a blur then nothing at all. Hours later.........

   Emma awoke in the hospital and cried out in pain. "Emma, you're okay." Her mom said with tears running down her face. Emma's head was pounding and all she could think about was Luke. "Where's Luke?" She asked suddenly. "He is in the waiting room your dad just went to tell him your awake." Her mom replied softly. Luke raced in with a tearstained face. "Emma, thank God you're okay!" "I thought I lost you forever and I need to tell you that I can't live without you. You have to promise you are going to be okay!" Luke pleaded. All that came to Emma's mind was "I love you, Luke" Then everything went black again. 

     Soon, she awoke again noticing no one was in the room. She took this time to evaluate what had happened. She felt as if the whole kidnapping happened that night and it was the next morning. Then, she came to realize she had been gone for almost a year. Emma pushed the nurse button suddenly afraid to be alone. Two nurses ran in to the side of my bed. "What's wrong?" One of them asked. Emma started to breath heavily making the monitors go crazy. "She is having a panic attack!" A nurse shouted. Emma's mom and dad ran in and tried to calm her but it didn't work. Then suddenly her mom had an idea. "The doctor said that after indents like kidnapping happen the victim chooses one person she trust." Tears filled Emma's mom's eyes as she grabbed Emma's hand. "It's okay that you didn't choose me or your dad, but now is the time you need to tell us who you choose so they can comfort you." I don't know who I choose........ Emma thought harshly....... Luke

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