Chapter 15

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    "I don't exactly remember everything that happened. The last thing I remember is that Adam jumped at me, so I found a piece of shattered window glass. I told him if he tried to get near me again I would stab him with it. He got really angry, and he lunged at me trying to get the piece of glass away from me. I was scared, and I stabbed him with it. It was only once, but there was a lot of blood. I got back here as soon as I could." Emma's voice was shaky as if she was about to cry. She sat down in the corner and put her head on her knees. 

    Luke got a towel from the cabinet, ran it under some warm water, and started to get the blood off of her the best he could. He didn't know what to do other than what his instincts told him to do; take care of Emma. It was like the past few years had been just an awful nightmare; it seemed like no matter what anyone did no one could get away from the past. Everyone had expected Emma to break down at some point, and Luke couldn't blame her for doing the same thing he would've done. 

    He went to the shower and turned it on, "Em, get in the shower and get all of the blood off of you. Leave any clothes that have blood on them in the corner. I'll get rid of them; I need to know where you left Adam." Emma slowly moved to the other side of the bathroom and cringed at the sound of Adam's name, "I don't know exactly where we were. All I know is that it was about a hour away from here, and it was dark. There was no light in the whole building; I could barley find my way out." Luke walked to the other room and got the keys. "I'm leaving, Em. Do not answer the phone or the door; don't talk to anyone about what happened."

Two hours later...

Luke drove up to the last building that he thought it could be, and he braced himself for what he might find. All the lights in the building were out; the hallways were empty, and his footsteps echoed as he walked. "Adam, are you here?" There was no answer, but Luke heard moving from a couple rooms down. He turned into the room to find Adam huddled in a corner holding a piece of glass. His shoulder was cut open, and blood poured on to the floor. "Please don't come near me. If you are here to kill me or something, you can just leave because I'm going to bleed out anyways." Luke didn't really want to help him after all he had done to Emma, but he had to. 

"Adam, I don't want to hurt you. I'm here to help you, but I need you to promise me something." Adam looked at Luke in a shocked manner, but he let him walk closer. "What do I have to promise?" "You have to promise not to tell anyone that Emma did this to you. I can't let her go to prison for this. Tell them that you did this to yourself; you could live with what you did to Emma, so you tried to kill yourself." Adam thought about it for  a couple minutes, "Fine, but I want to see Emma one last time before I go to the hospital because after I'm well enough they will drag me to prison." Without responding, Luke picked up Adam's phone and called 911. He gave it to Adam, and Adam did just what Luke told him to. In moments, police lights were flashing through the windows, but Luke was already on his way back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Luke found Emma just sitting by the window. She turned to him, and she ran into his arms. "Did you take care of it?" Luke looked down at her and kissed her softly, "Yes, now we need to get back home. Is all your stuff ready?" Emma nodded yes, and they left within the hour.

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