Christmas Day (Chapter 11)

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Leah's pov

I wake up to two kids jumping on the bed. Yes they walk now. They can talk too they are still learning but they are getting better and better each day. They are 10 months.

"Mommy wake up its Cwistmas." Ben yelled waking Cam up.

"Okay okay. Go down stairs and wait until mommy and daddy get the camera." I said getting up and pushing Cam off the bed so he would get up.

"Okay fine I'm up." Cam said getting up from the floor.

I went and got my phone and walked down the stairs with Cam. The twins were trying not to touch the presents. I separated the twins toys.

"Maddy your toys are over there and Ben yours are over here. Don't touch them yet." I said as I got my phone ready for a video.

Ben got some power rangers, ninja turtles, clothes, a bike, and some other stuff. Maddy got some barbies, dolls, clothes, a bike, and some baby makeup.

While I was taping Hayes called Cam.

"What up dude?" Cam said really chill.

"I'm in the hospital and you need to come Macy having the baby." Hayes said really fast.

"I have I go come as fast as you can." Hayes said hanging up.

"Come on let's go." I ran up stairs.

I got the kids clothes ready and I went and changed I didn't put any makeup on for once. I grabbed the kids and went to their rooms and changed them as fast as I could. I got the jackets and I got them in the booster seats. Cam was already in there. I grabbed four granola bars for us. I gave one to Cam and I opened the other two for the kids. I didn't open mine I wasn't hungry. I just grabbed it I were to get to hungry.

*skipping to the hospital*

We couldn't go in so we had to until Macy was done giving birth to their baby boy.

"Friends and family of Macy Jacobson?" The nurse called out and everyone stood up.

"You can go in now. Room 26 level 2." The nurse said letting us go in the hall.

"Thank you." I said walking into the elevator.

"Mommy why are we hur?" Ben asks me.

"We are going to see Uncle Hayes' baby." I said holding Ben's hand.

"I wanna go home." Maddy says to Cam.

"Later k baby cakes?" Cam said picking up Maddy.

"Otay daddy." She said snuggling into his neck.

We got to the room and Hayes was cuddling with the baby. Macy wasn't there. I guess she was in a different room away from the baby.

"Hi Hayes." I said hugging him.

"Hi guys. This is Tyler Jack Grier." Hayes said handing him to me.

"He's adorable." I said handing him to Cam.

"Aw he looks like you." Cam said tapping his nose making his eyes flutter open.

"Hayes he has your eyes." I said.

"Yeah he's my baby boy. I'm happy but sad that Macy won't be able to see him." Hayes said while tears filled his eyes.

"Hayes it's gonna be alright. I will be the mom the baby will never have." I said to him.

"You can call me whenever us need us. We will be right over with the kids." I said holding Tyler.

"Thanks you so much," Hayes said wiping his tears "but do you know where Macy is? I really want her to see her son." Hayes said taking Tyler.

"Um I will go ask the nurse?" I said leaving Cam and Ben taking Maddy with me.

"Come on Maddy let's go see Macy." I said picking her up.

"Um excuse me what room is Macy Harrison in?" I asked the nurse.

"She left about an hour ago." The nurse told me.

"Oh okay thank you." I said going back to Hayes' room.

"Um sorry to tell you this Hayes but Macy checked herself out." I said looking at Hayes.

"Oh um it's okay." Hayes said trying not to cry.

"She didn't even see Tyler or get to say bye." Hayes said.

"She'll come back I promise you Hayes." I said taking my phone out to text Macy.

Text convo


L-hey Macy where are you?

M-I'm sorry I left it's just I that I didn't want to see the baby cause then I will stay it's just too much I'm sorry

L-it's okay Macy Hayes just wanted you to see the baby

M-maybe when he's older you can plan a trip for you, Cam, Maddy, Ben, and Tyler to come to my state that I'm going to be living in

L-yeah maybe I will miss you :(

M-I'm gonna miss you too tell hayes I said bye and give the baby a kiss for me :*

L-sure thing bye Macy if you get a new number please text me so we can plan!

M-I will ❤️

L-bye ❤️

End of text convo

I put my phone down on the table and took Tyler. Cam put Ben and Maddy on the hospital bed.

"Ben you want to hold Tyler?" I asked Ben and he nodded.

I saw his face lit up after I put Tyler in his arms still holding Tyler a little. After five minutes I brought Tyler to Maddy. Her face also lit up like Ben's face. I want another kid. So I can see their faces like this everyday maybe when they are older. I took Tyler from Maddy and give him back to Hayes.

"Well Hayes we have to get going we are going to dinner at Cam's moms house." I said grabbing the twins and Cam grabbing the twins bag.

"It was really nice of you coming by. Hope we can see each other again." Hayes said putting Tyler in his crib then hugging us.

Hayes' pov

"It was really nice of you coming by. Hope we can see each other again." I said putting Tyler in his crib and hugging them.

I sat down and looked at the phone on the table and went and got it. It wasn't my phone it was Leah's phone I unlocked and it was on messages to Macy. They were texting a few minutes ago. They were talking about taking a trip to Macy's state with Tyler and the kids without me. I read all of messages and then I called Cam to tell him that Leah forgot her phone her.


I feel bad for Hassss. lol




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