Chaptre 32

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Knock Knock Knock

My fist hit Professor McGonagals door as I stood with our friends. Our meeting was scheduled for today and to say I was nervous was an understatement. Draco and I were having a baby and with the traditional rules of society, we decided that wasn't public information as of yet. But as we stood there only Luna and I felt the full throttle weight of this switch in the sequence of events.

McGonagal opened her door and her cheery face smiled back at us. 

M: Nice to see you all my children, are you ready for the meeting?

R: Yes Headmistress.

M: Well Mr. Weasley, I shall start with you and Ms. Parkinson then.

P: Not a problem Professor.

M: How has it been living with a new partner, any things I should be worried about, of developments you feel necessary for The Ministry to know?

Ron took Pansy's hand and smiled before answering.

R: I was arrogant, unruly, and thought I had everything figured out when I met Pansy. She seemed to not care and I felt the same. But as time went on we found out why we were both partners. That we both shared a world of muggle police movies, chocolate biscuits, and a massive fear of being undeserving of love. 

P: We didn't know it at the time, but we both needed the constant rough edges. The downs that made the ups so much higher. The excitement of a life that an arrogant jerk and a air headed narcissist could have together. 

They both smiled and McGonagal right back at them.

M: Well congratulations, you two were not a couple high up on the worry radar so you passed. Now onto the top priority couple, Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger.

All of us started to laugh besides McGonagal.

M: Am I missing something?

B: Nothing besides the fact that these two are definitely not struggling.

D: What Blaise is attempting to say is that Hermione my soon-to-be wife is pregnant with our first

McGonagal looked dumbstruck. 

M: Well by heavens, you are the third students to conceive

Draco and I both looked at each other.

D: Headmistress we are not the third

McGonagal chuckled quietly

M: Mr. Malfoy, Potter and Potter look too damn happy, and Mr. and Mr. Thomas brought me the news of the adoption this morning. Dean and Seamus seemed thrilled.

We all smiled as we thought of the two loving dads this new little one would get.

M: Well I guess you too aren't high priority anymore, but do you have anything to say on the record.

Draco smiled and looked at McGonagal.

D: All of my love and affection lays with my Emmy and our baby. However, the things I admire about Hermione don't come from the social construct of being a woman. I love her for her Witt and sharpness. She is truly a competitor in all the best ways. I admire her first from every field. Firstly, as a teacher. She brings everyone into a complete and total understanding of the morally sound and just. Secondly, as a fierce and bold witch. Her cunningness and capabilities would have sure landed her in Slytherin, however my fiancé possesses a nurturing spirit as well. That is why I love her, absent of cheesy lines.

H: And I also agree. When Draco and I found out we were pregnant I was terrified. But when I thought of our history, our breakdown of barriers, it was inspiring. We thought of the kind of parents we could both be as orphans and after escaping the fear, embraced that the home we wanted to raise a baby in was alive and well already. Draco and I will hope to instill two things in our kids; Confidence and Curiosity.

We smiled at each other.

M: I have no doubt any of that is true you two. And ma I just say that I know out of everyone, you two as a pair are so driven for success. I know full well that you family will be a powerhouse in this community.

We all finished talking and were dismissed with a new clarity on our relationships.

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