Unspoken Vows

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Law's wedding vows


We didn't meet under the stars, we didn't meet like destined lovers from a fairytale, and we didn't meet for a year! If everything that happens to us, is predestined, I have to call destiny a cruel mistress. But I would do it all over again if it means that I get to love you. Destiny made me pine for you, she made me cry every night, she took away my sleep and left me with a beating heart that was scared and weeping . She left me with an aching heart that only wanted to kiss you and craved your touches. Now that I have you, I will never let you go. I will fight for our happiness, every moment with you is a gift and I intend to cherish it. You have bewitched me you reckless fool, you have stolen my soul like a pirate on the high seas. Treasure me too okay?

Monkey D. Luffy, you are the love of my life. And let me tell you this if there are countless universes out there and in each timeline, there are other versions of us, I would find you and I would fall in love with you there. In every version of reality, you would be my, only mine to have.

But in this version of reality, I choose you right now, to have a peaceful life with our son Chopper and me. I love you. I love you so much. Let's be happy together?



Many people saw two men standing in the queue to enter the office of the marriage register, their hands held tight, and a pre-teen boy blushing beside them. Their black and grey suits were rented, their bouquets a hand-picked colourful chaos. Like many, they had waited for the War of the Best to end, lovers from all over the army and navy camps were rushing into each other's arm in happiness, love had won the war. They were 25th on the list, and like everyone, their eyes were moist. The vows, they had written, would go unread on this day. People came and hugged him, they shook their hands and by the time they reached the table to be a married couple and read out their vows, they were at a loss for words.

They just held their hands for a while, exchanged their rings and broke into a kiss. Words were not enough to describe what they felt and wanted to convey to each other. Their love was the only connection that kept them moving and alive. Love was their salvation. And the moment didn't need words.


Luffy's wedding vows.

The night I met you, I had failed in my first attempt to end the war; that night I almost lost my best friend, we were betrayed, and we didn't know who to seek help from. So when you opened the door that night, you opened the path for hope again. Every letter, you wrote, encouraged me to keep fighting till the end. When you were sad, I was not worried, I was happy that somewhere out there in the midst of all this, there was a man saving lives and waiting for me.

When I crossed the Florian Triangle, I wanted to sacrifice myself. But your words kept coming back to me. I love you! I have never loved anyone the way I have loved you. You are the air to my breath and the guide to my lost soul. I want to be a good husband and a good father, and I have no idea how we will do it. But with you standing beside me, right here, right now, tells me that we can do it.

I will always love you until the end of the time.

Trafalgar D. Water Law please marry me!


Note: Okay, Ten Days of LawLu is over!

Hope you liked it.

I will fix the typos later.

Please point them out to me!

And thank you, Guest for the review.

Enjoy the song while reading!

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