Chapter Nine- Embarrassed

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I should have just called her to ask her about her date but instead I get an eye full of my best friend having sex on her table. I am never eating at that damn table again. People say never say never but I am NEVER eating at that table again.

I am just stuck. I can't move at all in my head I am slowly backing out of the doorway and closing the door but my feet will not move and my mouth will not close I know my bottom jaw is hitting the floor right now. I bet flies then went in and out of my mouth. But on the other hand I am glad my best friend then got her some. I would have never thought on the kitchen table.

I must have zoned out because Alex isn't in the kitchen anymore and Kaia has clothes on. This situation is to embarrassing for me so I know she is defiantly embarrassed. Her face is redder than a tomato and I bet mine is too. I know we aren't ready to have a conversation so my feet finally listened to my brain and I start to slowly turn around and close the door but not before saying something to make Kaia's face turn 10x redder than it already is.


I can not believe Anne caught me and Alex haven't sex. When the door opened all I wanted to do was hide some where and that naughty part of me wanted to just finish what me and Alex were in the middle of but oh well.

I do not know what Anne is thinking she is just standing there not moving I think she is in a state of shock and hell I would be too if I walked in and my best friend was getting the life pounded out of her vagina. I wouldn't know what to do or say either and right now I am so embarrassed that she seen that she is going to give me hell about it when she comes around.

All of a sudden like she got awaken out of a trance she starts to back away but then she says something that has my mind turning and my face heating up even more. 


Damn I can't believe her best friend caught us having sex on her kitchen table. Good sex may I add. No. Great sex.

I didn't know what to do so I jumped up and went to take a shower. Lord knows the mood was ruined after that surprise visit.

I take a quick shower and start to dry off when I realized that I left my clothes on the kitchen floor. I wrap a towel around my waist when I start to sneak in the kitchen but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear what her friend says before she closes the door. I stand there for a second just pondering before I get my clothes. I don't even think Kaia saw or heard me it looks like she is preoccupied and to be honest I am too. I put my clothes and shoes on then go back to the front to see Kaia cleaning up.


He must have heard Anne because he came out the bathroom fully dressed and said that he had to go. I didn't know what to expect but that wasn't it. I was kind of hurt. So I turned my radio on and cleaned my house. I washed all the sheets in my bedroom and cleaned the kitchen wash the dishes and bleached down the table. Yes I said I bleached it down hey I eat there sometimes. I cleaned until I had nothing else to clean then I went in took a nap.


I haven't been to see my husband in a while so while Aaron is with my parents I'm going to go catch him up on our lives.

When I got to the grave yard I couldn't believe who I saw there. "Alexander I am surprised to see you here."

"I know I haven't been here since he was buried I just had a lot on my mind and I came to talk to him."

"Yea same here I just wish he could talk back."

"Rose I wished he could too but I got to go and I will see you and Aaron later this week. I love you both."

"We love you to Alex."

I wondered what is going on with him because after Bryan was buried he hasn't step foot in this graveyard.


I went home and just drowned myself in work that I needed to get done and whatever else I had to do. I replied to all the emails and text messages from investors, potential partners, employees and my lawyers. I got tired of that and decided that I just wanted to relax and ponder what Kaia's best friend said. And that Kaia and I are going to have to have a talk sometime soon.

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