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Chapter 36

Kenzie's (POV)

Right now I'm at the game for school at the school gym..

We're about to go on when someone walks bye.

"Hey girls!" Tori said smiling.


"What?" Vicky said harshly .

"I'm just here to show my best friend around" she said moving to see the one and only,


"I'm surprise your friends with her" I said looking at the both of them.

Doesn't she know that she likes Nash as well. Their so dumb.

"Know what" Madde questioned

Here goes nothing

"You guys both like Nash" I said.

Well they are pretty much obsessed with him.

"Haha that doesn't mean anything" Tori said with Maddie nodding with them both having fake smiles on their face.

"Ok" Beck said sarcastically and Leslie hitting her.

"What's up with everyone hitting me!" she whined moving around.

We all rolled our eyes and waited to perform.


My team and the other schools team cheerleaders were in the center of the court.

We decided they should go first.

It all started when they played 20 years old remix music, which was horribly bad taste in music.

They did this weird routine and they were totally off.

When it came to the stunts, the fliers went up and could only do a half, might I say one almost fell.

After all that mess, it was our turn.

The music started playing and that was the que for me and Marisa to do 3 backflips on the beat.

We front arrowed to our stunts and did a needle to a bump to a heel stretch to a half then throwing a toe touch landing to a twirl to a cradle.

We did a 10 second routine after the stunts and then we finished.

A lady came up to the center where the two cheer teams were and talked.

"Who's on for the fireflies?" she said for the other team.

Only 3 people cheered and they were the cheer teams coaches and stuff.

Next was us and the whole crowd cheered.

We walked away after and changed out of our cheer uniforms and into normal clothes.

I ran to my locker and got my bag and walked down the hall to meet up with Nash.

"Great performance" he smiled.

"Thanks" I said and then caught up with strange smell.

I looked around and it came stronger to Nash, I moved a little and smelled him without him knowing and it was certainly girls perfume.

"Uh Nash what did you do today?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, she hanged with some friends that all" he said I nodded.

He wouldn't lie to me would he?


I left the school building and made my way to my car.

As I was a couple feet from it I saw a certain someone next to it.

Oh once again


"What do you want?" I asked rudely.

I don't care!

"Oh just saying I had a great time with Nash this morning" she smirked.

Wait it couldn't.

I sniffed a little and it was the same.

The same smell Nash had on him


Was he cheating on me again?

She walked away still smirking as I got inside my car.

How could he

That little!

I drove quickly home and ran to my room.

I got half of my pictures with Nash on them I ripped his side off and grabbed only his side.

I ran to the backyard and went to the bonfire.

I lit it and threw all his pictures their and watched them burn and ash up.

I know this might seem dramatic but come on, he did this to me again now.


Short chapter sorry.

Coming to an end probably by this week.

Read my latest story 'Best Friends' a Calum Hood fan fic



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