Chapter 32 | Together

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Sasuke perhaps a bit OOC in this chapter but i honestly don't know how else to fix this lol. Next up is the epilogue. I hope these chapters were a bit decent because i wrote them rather quickly... I also find the tenses pretty difficult sometimes.. like when to use 'had' and when not. I had this in school, but i never paid attention to these rules as i just did what felt right XD So if you see any kind of errors, feel free to point them out!

not edited


On their way back, Daichi and Sasuke ran into Naruto. After shortly explaining the situation to the Hokage, the Uchiha family went back to Konoha and Naruto went to pick up the woman with a few others.

Back in Konoha, Yuuji had already told the authorities that Kaira wasn't the person they were looking for. He also explained how Kaira's fingerprints ended up on the knife that was used to stab him and gave a clear description of what the real attacker looked like. He had only gotten a small glimpse, but that was plenty.

After the woman had recovered enough to be questioned by the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force, she confessed all her crimes. She also showed all the faces she used to commit these crimes, one of them matching the description Yuuji gave, and one of the other faces matched the description Daichi had given of the waitress at the restaurant where Izuna was poisoned.

Apparently, this woman was not only related to Tenko, but her husband and only child had been killed by the Akatsuki many years ago. She went after the Uchiha triplets in order to get revenge. After all, Suki, Izuna and Kaira had been members of the Akatsuki for a long time. She also confessed that she was planning to go after their children as well later on. When Kaira heard of this, she got nauseous. Just the thought of some psycho saying she was going after her kids made her almost regret not killing her.

Apparently, she decided to keep away from Sasuke because she knew she couldn't even come close to him. Kaira had actually hoped she would have gone after Sasuke, just because she knew Sasuke would have taken care of her then and there.

Kaira sighed as she stared out of the hospital window. She had been stuck in this bed for 3 days now. She found it hard to stay still for such a long time, especially now she was wearing a sling to support her shoulder. The stiffness caused by staying still made her body feel discomfort. But she was going to be discharged too, and she couldn't wait for that moment.

''Kaira-san, you have a visitor.'' A nurse spoke as she appeared in the doorway. ''Can I let him come in here?''

Kaira frowned, wondering who would be visiting her this early in the morning, but nodded nonetheless. ''Yes, please.''

The nurse nodded and motioned for the visitor to come over. Kaira's frown deepened when a tall, dark-clothed man entered her hospital room. His dark eyes connected with her surprised ones.

''Sasuke?'' She murmured softly, confusion audible in her voice.

Kaira had been here for three days, but after bringing her here, Sasuke hadn't visited. Daichi told her it was probably because he was busy putting an end to the case she and her siblings had been involved in, or because he wanted to give her some space after getting lots of attention after her return.

''What are you doing here?'' Kaira asked slowly. She hoped her question wouldn't give him the wrong impression. She was very happy to see him, but his visit was unexpected.

Sasuke walked closer and sat down on the edge of the bed. ''I came to see how you were doing.'' He spoke. ''So, how are you?''

Kaira smiled softly. ''I am fine now. The poison is out of my body, the minor injuries are nearly healed. The only thing that will be bothering me for a while is my shoulder.'' She sighed, pursing her lips as she looked at the arm that was going to make her life a little more difficult for the next few months. ''Luckily, I have the boys at home who will take care of the shores I can't handle during that time. I might even enjoy having them do all the work for a while.''

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