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It was a few days later, and Loki and I had been going out every night. I tended to stay away from the alcohol and had managed to dodge Aryra several times, but then a night came when I accepted the drink Loki would offer me every night. He watched with a smirk and raised eyebrow as I downed the dark drink, and turned back toward the bartender.
"I'm going to need two more." He spoke, downing his own drink as well, his eyes on me as I looked around the room.
I grabbed the next drink he handed me and drank that one a tad slower, but I was still ready for a third drink before him. However, he would down his drink whenever he saw I'd finished mine, and kept pace with me.
It didn't take long for me to feel the effects, as I had a much lower tolerance than he.
I stumbled over to the familiar blue-skinned girl and threw an arm around her. She shouted excitedly to her friends at my presence, introducing me to them.
"It's so, it's so great to meet you." I slurred to the women. I felt Loki's eyes on me and turned to wave, making him laugh and wave back.
"I'm so glad you're here, I was telling these ladies how adorable you and Loki are!" Aryra slurred herself, and the fact that she was drunk amused me way more than it should have. I giggled and turned toward Loki, waving him over.
"Loki, you remember Aryra." I pointed to the woman with the hand holding my glass, then took another drink.
Loki grinned and greeted Aryra, then the other women, and I felt my attention drift off as my eyes did.
I watched all the strange beings I saw mingle. I'd never seen so many aliens, and so many different life forms were crazy to comprehend.
"Dear? Cain, love." Loki was nudging me, speaking through his gritted teeth. I snapped back to reality and took a breath.
"Oh, I'm sorry, what?" I asked quietly, making Loki chuckle.
"I was telling these ladies that you're drunk, and that I should be getting you to bed," he said, making me pout softly. However, I knew he wasn't wrong as the glass in my hand seemed to swirl on it's own.
Loki helped me walk to the rooms without falling too much, and was reluctant to leave me at my door.
"Are you going to be okay getting to bed?" He asked, making me giggle at the expression on his face.
"Yes, I'll be fine!" I exclaimed, gaining looks from others in the hall. I could feel every pair of eyes staring me down and I quickly opened the door, saying goodbye to Loki.

I woke up with a massive headache and my stomach churned. I groaned as I sat up, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and putting my head in my hands. A knock sounded through my aching head.
"Ugh, come in," I groaned. The door opened to reveal a dressed Loki. I sighed and out my head back in my hands.
"You're not much of a drinker, I realized." He walked toward me, handing me a glass of water and some round pills. I took them, only hoping that if they did kill me it would be quicker than the hangover.
"Nope," I muttered.
"Get dressed," he started, making me glare up at him, "and meet me in the library in 20 minutes. I have something that will make you feel better." I couldn't help the spark of excitement that lit in me at the sight of his excitement. He left the room and 20 minutes later I stood in the elevator, hoping that whatever it was would make me feel better.
It did.
I stepped off the elevator and gasped softly at the sight in front of me, then giggled. Loki had a blanket laying in our usual spot, and food set on the blanket.
I knew my face lit up at the sight of food, because Loki grinned and his face lit up, too.
"Loki, you did this for me?" I asked quietly, sitting on the edge of the blanket, opposite him.
"Well, I saw how hammered you were last night and thought this might help with the hangover, and embarrassment." He teased, making me blush.
"I barely remember anything, honestly." I groaned, making him chuckle.
"No worries darling, I didn't let you make too much of a fool of yourself," he winked, taking a sip of his orange juice while I blushed.
"Well, thank you. For last night, and this morning, and this." I said, eating some fruit.
We continued to eat and talk, and I realized that Loki had been great company the last week and a half. I watched him laugh, and felt relaxed for the first time since Thor had been separated from us. I wondered if Loki realized that I had begun to trust him.
"Cain, do you dream much?" He asked out of nowhere, and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Um, I suppose I probably dream, I just don't usually remember them." I shrugged, slightly confused.
"It's just that, well," Loki hesitated, and I set down the food I had in my hand, concerned, "well these past couple of nights I've been hearing you shouting out in your sleep." He scratched the back of his head as he spoke the confession. I sighed, as I had no idea I'd been having nightmares.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, but he cut me off.
"No, no. I don't want you to apologize, I just want to be sure you're alright," he spoke. I met his emerald eyes and nodded slowly.
"I'm okay, I'm just not that used to being alone," I admitted softly. My head was bowed, but Loki's hand came into my vision as it grabbed my own. I looked up at him, startled.
"Perhaps it would be best if you stayed in my room from now on."

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now