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Loki and I had made our way back to the safety of the Grand Master's home. As we walked through the halls, I thought about what I had said to him.

"Loki," I sighed, "I have enjoyed these last two weeks with you so much. I really thought that we were getting along well, too, but now to me it feels like it was all a lie." I shrugged. He denied it, shaking his head. I ran a hand through my hair.
"You have to understand why it's hard for me to believe you." I pleaded, and he sighed deeply before nodding. I saw his eyes water, but I had a hard time believing they were tears.
"I'm sorry, Cain. I will do anything to make it up to you," he insisted.
"Let's just, get back to our room. It's not safe out here."

"Cain, I have pants in here for you." Loki mumbled, gesturing toward his room. I followed him through the doorway and took the sweatpants and tee shirt he held out gratefully.
"Thank you, Loki." I muttered. I physically heard his breath hitch, and I looked at him questionably. He instead turned away from me quickly, his face pink.
"I'm going to sleep in my other room tonight, I think." I mumbled. I looked at Loki's face to see him biting his lip, a saddened expression. I sighed, and scolded myself for feeling sorry for him.
"Goodnight, Little Cain." I heard him whisper right before I shut the door. I stood there for a moment, and scowled as tears fell from my eyes.
I changed into the clothes he had given me and as I laid in the bed, something poked me from in the pocket. I reached my hand down and felt the stone piece in my palm. I slowly pulled it out and sighed as I twirled the chess piece in my hand.
The Queen.

Two days had gone by, and Loki stood by me every minute, doing anything he could to get back on my good side. I had to admit, he was trying hard to get me back into his good graces.
I knew what I had seen in his eyes that morning. Whether it was one way or another, Loki cared deeply for me, maybe even loved me. I only hoped it was enough to overshadow his bad intentions.
We sat in the library one day, silently. Loki was finishing a book and I was barely beginning one. It was comfortable and the sun was coming through the glass walls, shining on Loki's face, brightening his green eyes.
"Cain. I'm sorry about Thor," Loki muttered, and I noticed he wasn't actually reading the book in his hands.
"I am, too," I sighed.
"I used to think that your care for him wasn't real, but I understand now," he admitted quietly, and my heart jumped.
"I'm not sure that you do, Loki," I whispered. He looked up at me and our eyes bore into each other's.
"Trust me, Little Cain, I do."

I walked into the party slowly. It had been a few days since I'd come to one of the nightly festivities, and I went straight for the bar.
"Just give me anything, please." I muttered, looking around the room as I waited for the drink.
I was presented with something pink. I swirled it for a minute before tipping my head back and taking a large sip. It tasted good enough, so I downed it and turned around.
"Another, please."
I spotted Loki sitting alone, stirring the drink in his hand.
"You know what, make it two." I corrected with the bartender, who raised an eyebrow and grabbed another glass.
I grabbed the two drinks and walked toward the God. I sat down next to him, setting one drink in front of us and sipping on the other. He turned to look at me, and I cringed at seeing his eyes were red, making the green stand out more.
"Oh, Loki," I whispered, raising a hand to touch his cheek. He let out a quiet sigh and my heart sat low in my chest.
"I'm so sorry, Little One." He whispered back, touching my hand on his face.
"Let's get you to bed," I sighed, downing the rest of the drink in my hand and reaching for the other.
No point in wasting it, I figured.
I stumbled out of the seat, and pulled Loki up with me. Together we strolled through the halls and eventually found the rooms.
Loki held onto me as he pulled into his room. I stumbled after him and let him shut the door behind me. I realized that in this situation before, I'd have already been invisible.
I looked at Loki, who began pulling his blankets back to prepare the bed. In my drunken state, I stumbled over to the lanky figure.
"Loki," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. I felt him stiffen and quickly pulled back, apologizing. However, as he turned to face me, bad ideas started to blend with good ideas and before I knew it, I couldn't tell the difference.
I took a step closer to him, then slowly raised myself up on my toes, my heart beating loudly in my ears. Loki was leaning ever so sightly toward my face, but before our lips met, he let out a mangled whine and pulled away. I also whined and fell back onto my heels.
"I'm sorry, Little One, but you're drunk." He whispered, laying his forehead against mine. The touch had my stomach in my throat, "tomorrow, if you still want this, I'm here."

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now