Kingcrabshipping-Ice Cream

537 13 6

I have no experience with writing this kind of thing so no hate please.

Yusei's POV
Jack and I are going out on a date today. We have been dating for a year now. We are going to the ice cream shop and chat for a while.
~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

"Jack, don't eat so fast. You're going to get a brain freeze!" I laughed.

"Gyah! My head hurts now!" He exclaimed.

"Here," I kissed his forehead, "Better?"

"Yes..." He said pouting. I laughed at this and pecked his lips.
We got up and went for a d-wheel ride. We were racing now and I was winning. I was about to cross when someone crashed into me. The mystery rider drove off.
"Yuseeeeeeeei!" I hear Jack yell before everything goes dark.
~~~~~~Another Time Skip~~~~~~
I woke up groggily.'what happened!' I think to myself. I look around to see Jack asleep on a chair. I tried to get up, but everything hurts. I got up and started to shake Jack.
"Jack Jack Jack Jack wake up!" I said.
"Wha? Is the hospital on fire? Aaaaahhhhhh!" He screamed while I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Jack, what happened to me and why am I in a hospital?" I asked gently.
"You got in a d-wheel accident." He said yawning.
"Thanks for taking me here." I said kissing his cheek.
I know this one is absolutely terrible and I haven't been updating in a while. I'm so sorry! I totally gave up on making up my own ideas, so please make some requests. This is how you should enter it:

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