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Birds singing. Boring silence. The smell of old classrooms and the wood coming from the wooden desks. Two days off is not enough... i want to leave this place already.
The Teacher walks in.

Mr Han
Good morning Jimin! What are you doing here so early?

I have nothing else to do , sir. I would rather be in this school than sit alone at home watching the news.

Mr Han
Ah... i see. Well , how was your two days off from school?

Nothing much.. just the same old.

Mr Han
Maybe you can join a club after school,  it will be better to do something than nothing!

Is this teacher joking? Why would anyone do clubs after school when you want to fucking leave this damn ugly ass school..

Clubs aren't really my thing.

Mr Han
Oh.. i see. Oh! I almost forgot , we have a new student coming today. I asked him if he could come around this time so will you wait here for him then show him around?

Ok . Is the new student a girl or a boy?

Mr Han
A boy! He is very good looking,  I'm sure you will find him.

Mr Han
Anyway.. i must go to a meeting. Have fun!

Mr Han waves and he walks out the classroom. The door slammed shut. I sit on my desk that was next to a window. The room was so silent and empty.. it felt like the school was isolated.

{5 mins has passed}

Where the fuck is this new student?...
Maybe.. I'll just have a little rest... he is taking forever.
I get off my desk and sit down on the chair. I lean my head on the desk and close my eyes.

{1 hour has passed}

Hello..? Wake up.

Someone pokes my nose with their warm finger. A calming voice speaks to me. I open my eyes.
I see a boy sitting next to me staring at me with his big sparkling eyes.

Good morning.

Are you.. the new student?

Yep ,  have you been waiting for me?

Yes.. the teacher told me to show you around.
What's your name?

Its Jungkook,  yours?

My name is Jimin.

My head is still leaning on the desk. Awkward silence fills the room. We stare at eachother for about 5 mins.
I look at his face and Mr Han was right.. he is good looking. Loads of girls are going to surround him , i know it. The girls in school always treat me like a kid. "You're so cuteeee" , "You're sooo shortttt , adorable!"
So annoying.

I'll show you around then.

thank you.

When i met you ♡jikook♡Where stories live. Discover now