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{Yoongi and hobi}

I run after Yoongi and he is quite fast. I yell out his name but he doesn't stop.

H-hey! Stop!!

Yoongi is about to run into a door but him stupid self has his head down when running. I get faster in running and he almost reaches the door.

Watch out!

I grabbed onto his hoodie and he slips on the shiny hospital floor. I grab onto his waist so he doesn't fall.
His face is red and tears are running out of his eyes like a waterfall. He covers his face and pushes me away.


You hurt me.. you don't realise how much that broke my heart..

I'm sorry.

If you really are sorry then hear me out.

You're the nicest and kindest person that has been in my life , i trusted you. I felt blessed having you , i wasn't use to so much love.
Its hard for me to show my emotions but I'm trying! I need to get it off my chest at times and you broke my heart.

People expect me to not give a shit about this stuff but i can't keep my feelings inside me forever...

I stare at him feeling guilty as fuck. He stops talking and looks down ashamed to spill out his emotions. 
I walk towards him to give a big hug.
We hug for awhile and he doesn't push me away.
He hugs back , smearing his tears and snot on my shoulder.

I'm sorry babe.. I'll be more considerate with your feelings.

I love you..

I love you too.

He stops smearing his snotty nose on my shoulder and looks up at me. He smiles and his eyes look red because of crying. I smile back and we have a moment to ourselves.
I lean in to kiss him. People walk past in confusion.
I feel like I'm in a fairy tale after what happened today.
I'm quite surprised that that the love birds haven't followed us , strange. They're probably fucking each other right now.. oh wait- its going to be very painful for Jungkook with all those injuries.


When i met you ♡jikook♡Where stories live. Discover now