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With this cutie in a cafe 💕💓 he won't give me enough attention :(( @jungoo get off ur phone.. :'(

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Jungkook-ah~ why so quiet??

Sorry , yoongi is mad for some reason

Jungkook doesn't look up at me to speak. He just types on his phone with his fast long fingers. I sigh and look out the cafe window. I finish my milkshake.
What kind of date is this.. i want to cry.. i feel ignored.

Give me attention.

Let me just finish my text...

He types fast and i wait. I'm disappointed in this date of ours.. he would rather help yoongi than be with me , i might as well just leave.

Be right back , I'm going to get  another  drink.

I look at his drink to see if he is finished. Not even half empty.. he has been too busy texting and I'm sick of it already.
I walk to one of the men working here. I can't be bothered to wait for him to come to me.

Excuse me , can i order a drink?

Of course! What table are you sitting at??

The table right there.

I point at my table and he nods. He smiles and it lights up the whole room.

What would a fine looking man like you want??

Is he hitting on me?

I just want a drink please. Orange juice.

Alright! Ill go get you the drink as fast as i can. Oh- and..

Before i was about to go back to my table , he reached for my arm.
He grabbed it tight for me to stop.

Can i have your number?? Maybe we can.. get to know each other?

Erm.. get to know each other?? I only just met you.

I know but.. i have a feeling that we would have so much in common! Ya know?

When i met you ♡jikook♡Where stories live. Discover now