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Awkward silence came between us. My face was heating up and he just scratched his head.
Ermm.... what do i say..
Jungkook grabs my phone and throws it so i can't reach for it.
Luckily,  he threw it on the bed so it won't break.
He looks serious , I'm not use to serious Jungkook...

Jimin , we need to talk.

About what..

Don't pretend that nothing just happened.. we need to talk.


Listen , we obviously are interested in each other but it seems like you're scared.. scared to go in a relationship.

I understand that relationships are pretty stressful at times but i want to share my life with you.. please.

Jungkook.. i.. i don't know..

Its your decision.. i don't want to force you but i want to atleast try to convince you.

That moment yesterday in the rain.. i want to be reminded of that memory forever.. it felt so special.
You said you love me and i felt so happy.. i never felt this sort of 'happy' in a long time.

Jungkook.. i do love you but.. my past just ruins it for me..

If you want to talk about it , I'll listen and try to support you in every way as possible.

I might tell you later.. when I'm ready. I want to sleep now.

Sleep here? What about your little bro??

He will know I'm with friends so its okay.

Ill sleep with you , if you want.

Please do.

Jungkook looks surprised and quickly gets in his comfy bed. I felt so tired recently..
Sleeping with jungoo makes me so happy and warm inside.

I love you Jimin.

He says then closes his eyes.
I love you too but i don't know what path to take.. I feel like i should just forget my past and carry on , but i don't want the same mistake to happy again.
I think and then speak.

I love you too , jungoo..

{2 hours has Passed}

I open my eyes and yawn.
A good rest was all i wanted and it helped.
Jungkook is awake on his phone still next to me in bed.
He doesn't notice that I'm awake.
He looks so cute when he is focused.
He pouts when looking down at his phone.
I poke him to get his attention.

Jimin! You scared me.. when did you wake up??

Just then , haha.

You seem more better now that you've had a rest , would you like to talk now??

Oh.. yes.. I'm ready.

When i met you ♡jikook♡Where stories live. Discover now