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Hey y'all welcome back. This is just a continuation of the last chapter. Enjoy!
Y/N POV (the same evening)
"Wow Megan..." I said. I was speechless.
"You went through all that for me??? Why??? You too Jimin."
"Because, I mean I know how much you missed the members cuz you hadn't seen them in a long time and I thought you should just spend time with them."
"Thank you Megan!" I said embracing her in a hug, "And you too Jimin."
"No problem." Megan and Jimin said.
"So what are we gonna do together now?" I asked. I looked over at Megan who looked like she had everything planned out since the day she made the arrangements.
"Well I picked a nice location for us to go to... this surprise is for Y/N so BTS you already know all the plans, right?"
The seven of them nodded their heads.
We walked outside and I saw three cars waiting for us. One of them was Megan's and the other two I guessed were BTS' cars. And I was right. They were Jin's and Jungkook's cars. We were split into groups. Hobi, Suga, and Jimin went with Jungkook while Taehyung and Namjoon went with Jin. I went with Megan to her car. I sat in the passenger's seat next to her and we drove off.
"Where are we going?" I asked Megan.
"That's a surprise." She replied.
When we arrived, BTS was already there. We parked and went on our way.We had to walk down a path to get to the location. The path was lined with trees on either side. Then we came to an open space. Let me just say, it was MAGICAL. It was the definition of Utopia. It was...I don't even know.  There's no word to describe it. There was a big lake with crystal clear waters and a reflection of the Sun's light on it. Not to mention the Cherry Blossom trees surrounding the area. The petals falling and floating in the air before delicately landing on the ground, forming a carpet on the fresh, green grass beneath our feet. I stood there mesmerized while Megan, with the help of BTS, set out a picnic blanket and basket.
"Come on Y/N." Megan said snapping me out of my trance.
"It's beautiful you guys" I said sitting down.
"I'm glad you like it." Megan said.
There was lemon mint iced tea to drink, and mandu, kimchi fried rice, gimbap, and beef bulgogi, to eat. We ate and chatted. Then, we played hide-and-seek tag. We ran around for a while until everyone got tired. It was really fun though. I'll admit that. I walked over to the lake and sat by it dipping my feet in the water after taking my shoes off. Namjoon came and sat next to me. When I turned around, I realized we were alone together. I hadn't even realized the others had left. Megan must've planned this. I gazed at the sky. The orange, pink and purple colors forming a beautiful gradient as the Sun was just starting to set.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Namjoon asked. I turned to look at him and he stared into my eyes.
"It is really beautiful." I replied.
"I... have to tell you something..."
"What is it?" I turned to look at him.
He looked down shyly for a moment but looked back up at me, "I... I really like you. I don't know if you feel the same about me, but we've been seeing each other for over a month, you know, hanging out. I don't know if this is too soon, but I'm just that little time I've really gotten to know you and I think you're just such a wonderful person. I've never developed feelings for someone this quickly, but it feels different with you. Like I've known you for a long time. I don't know if you feel the same but I just wanted to tell you-"
"I like you too Namjoon," I said.
"I know we haven't known each other very long, but I feel the same. I feel that I know you so well, and I can trust you easily... I've never felt this way before..."
"So Y/N... does that mean you'll be my girlfriend?" Namjoon looked at me with happiness in his eyes.
"Yes, of course." I replied.
Namjoon looked so happy in that moment. He pulled me closer to him, giving me a warm, tight hug. When he pulled back, our faces were only inches apart from each other. He leaned in a bit, looking into my eyes. I could see that he was asking for my consent. When I gave it to him, he gave me a short, soft, sweet kiss. It was sweet, tender and loving. We pulled back and smiled at each other, happiness filling our hearts as we lay back down in each other's embrace. We stayed there in silence looking up at the sky. Beautiful, shining stars filled the night sky.
"They're beautiful aren't they?" I asked Namjoon.
"Yes, they are indeed beautiful. But not as beautiful as you."
I laughed at as his cheesy line, but it was still kinda sweet.
"I love you Namjoon." I said resting my head on his shoulder.
"I love you too Y/N..." He sighed in delight.
After a while, we decided to leave because it was getting kinda cold and late, but luckily, tomorrow is Sunday. We walked down the path and came out to where our cars were parked. I noticed that Jungkook's and Jin's cars were gone. I figured they must have taken Megan with them back to the dorm. So, of course, we took Megan's car. I offered to drive since I've driven Megan's car before. Namjoon sat in the passenger seat beside me. The whole ride home was silent. Sometimes I would catch Namjoon sneaking glances at me which I would return with a smile but I focused on the road after. We drove for half an hour before reaching the dorm.I opened the door.
"Congratulations!!!" Everyone, including Megan, shouted.
I didn't know what to even say. Then I spoke, "thanks everyone... I'm guessing you guys planned the whole set-up right?? But Howard why?"
"Well..." Megan started.
Flashback Megan POV (1 week ago, the day after buying tickets to the fan-meet)

It was the day after I booked tickets for the BTS fan-meet. I was texting Jimin, when he said he had something to tell me so he would call rather than text because it was rather long. He called me and said he needed my help and it was for Y/N. He said that Namjoon had talked to BTS earlier that day. He explained everything. He said that Namjoon had asked BTS for help on confessing to Y/N. Jimin offered to get me involved as he knew I was Y/N's best friend and knew her very well. Namjoon agreed to this so that's how Jimin called me. I told him that I thought since we were coming to the fan-meet, that would be the perfect opportunity, so Jimin made arrangements for us to meet them backstage after the fan-meet so that we could depart together and carry out the plan. After setting a meeting time with BTS, we hung up.

The next day

It was the next day. Today I had a meeting with BTS at their dorms to discuss the plan. I went to the dorms and discussed everything with them. The plan was... I had chosen a place where we would go after the fan-meet. It was rather quiet, especially the time I picked, there wouldn't be anyone. We would all have a picnic together, and you know, maybe play some games and have fun. Then, we would eventually leave Y/N and Namjoon alone at the perfect opportunity so that we wouldn't be so obvious and Y/N doesn't notice. Namjoon would make his confession while me and BTS head back to the dorms to prepare the celebration party for the new couple when they get back, assuming that Y/N would accept because I was pretty sure she would. And that's the end of the plan.
(End of flashback)
"Wow you all went through all that for me???"
They all nodded their heads.
"Namjoon this was all your idea??" I looked at him while he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and nodded while smiling. I hugged him while everyone "awwwwed" in the background. Then, we had the celebration party. There was a cake which we cut. There were snacks and drinks.
"Let's watch a movie" Namjoon said and everyone agreed.
He picked a movie and we started watching. I was wrapped in Namjoon's warm embrace throughout the whole movie. Namjoon just kept looking at me and smiling, showing his adorable dimples, which I love. After the movie was done, Yoongi was already asleep on the couch and so was Hobi, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung. Only Jin, Namjoon, Megan and I were awake. It was midnight. Megan lived an hour away and she was probably too tired to drive and it would be dangerous so I offered her to stay at my house for the night. Megan and I left in her car after saying goodbye to Jin and Namjoon, who gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving.
"Thanks for letting me stay with you," Megan said.
"Don't mention it." I said.
We got to my house and entered. I let Megan stay in the guest room. I did my night routine and changed into my pajamas. I went to Megan's room to say goodnight but she was already sleeping on her bed. I laughed a bit. She must have been exhausted. I went to my room and climbed into bed after turning off the lights. I quickly fell asleep as I was also very tired.
The next morning Megan left my house to go back home. My week continued as usual, but the next weekend, I got some exciting news...

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