Hey, another Y/N and friends chapter. Enjoy!
The next Saturday
This week has been normal. Nothing exciting. Again, I haven't really seen Namjoon because they're really busy which I understand. I mean they're idols. They're always practicing to be perfect on stage and on camera. But I did get some really exciting news! I found out that I'm going to have a new neighbor! A girl about the same age as me or maybe slightly older was moving in to the house next to mine and I am really excited. She is supposed to be moving in today! I heard a noise outside, one of a car engine. I looked out of my window to see a car parked up in front of the house next door. It must be my new neighbor! I planned to meet her later this afternoon so I would let her settle in and make herself comfortable during the morning. I just wanted to get to know her because I mean we are going to be neighbors after all.
(Time skip)-later that day
It was now about 3:00. I decided to go and introduce myself to my new neighbor! I walked out of my house to go directly next door. I stood in front of the house and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, a beautiful girl opened the door.
"Hello!" She greeted.
"Hi, I'm Y/N from next door. I just came to say hi."
"Come inside," the girl replied, stepping aside so I could enter.
"I'm Maia btw."
"Nice to meet you Maia!"
"Nice to meet you too Y/N!"
As I stepped into her house, I admired the beauty of it. It wasn't too big and it wasn't too small it was just the right size. There were a few decorative pieces around the house.
"I hope you like the neighborhood."
"It's wonderful."
"That's great. Welcome. I hope you'll settle in just fine."
We sat on the couch and began to talk. I learnt so much about her. We discussed things, simple things, like our ages, our hobbies etc to just get to know each other more. I learnt that she prefers to be called by the nickname Maimai. Then...this came up...
"So, do you like BTS?" Maia asked.
"Like BTS?? No I don't like BTS...I LOVE BTS!!!!!" I screamed. We started fangirling like crazy. I'm sure people could have heard our screams from the other side of the world! So it turns out that Maia is an ARMY too! I feel like just that one thing brought us even closer together, not that we weren't close before or anything but it was nice to know that she is an ARMY too! We fangirled for a while. We ate some snacks and got a few drinks as well. In these few hours we've been together, Maia and I have become really close. It turns out that I was actually the first one to approach her. I was also her closest neighbor like our houses were right next to each other and we're even sharing a wall. Well, tbh I'm not even surprised that I was the first to approach her. I mean all the other neighbors don't really talk or socialize much. And tbh I don't really talk to them either but most of them are actually adults in like their 30s and 40s and maybe even their 50s. I think Maia is the closest to my age in the neighborhood so I'm really glad I talked to her because now I have someone close to me to socialize with. I have Maia to talk about BTS with me!!! And I'm really happy and excited!!!! We asked each other about our biases. Her's is Hobi and well I told her mine is Namjoon. I explained to her everything that happened with Namjoon and I so far and by the end of it, Maia's face had shock and awe written all over it! Her eyes were wide open and her jaw was dropped.
"Wait!!! So you're telling me that you and Namjoon are a thing now??? Like an official couple???"
"Well, yeah... but I'm telling you cuz I trust you, so pls don't tell anyone else."
"Of course! Wow! Just...wow! I don't know what to say." Maia said in awe still. We talked a bit more and we grew even closer. But soon, it was nearing dinner time and I had to go back home...which was right next door...but still. So I said goodbye to Maia, my new friend, and headed home. It only took me 10 seconds to reach my house and I was feeling hungry and I love food like I loveeeee food but I was wayyyy too lazy to cook so I made some cup ramen to eat for dinner. By the time I finished, it was only 7:30 so I decided to just chill. I went up to my bedroom and I texted my friends, including Maia, and we just chatted about stuff, idk. After a while, I became bored. All my friends weren't online anymore because they had to go do some things. (I have no life lol) At this point it was 10:00 but I didn't feel like going to bed. I was going to decide on watching Netflix but I've watched out the series of my favorite dramas and I've rewatched them too many times to the point where I didn't really wanna watch them over again and I've caught up on my shows already so I didn't know what to do. I just tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I checked my phone and saw that I got a text from Namjoon. It read, "Hey Y/N, I know it's kinda late, but do you wanna go out tomorrow?? Like an official first date??"
"Yes, of course!" I replied.
"Ok good. Wear something nice. I'm taking you out for a nice dinner tomorrow. I'll pick you up around 6:00 so be ready." He said.
"Ok see you tomorrow. Bye!"
"Bye, goodnight Y/N"
"Good night Namjoon."
I switched off my phone and went to bed excited for our first date tomorrow!
I can't wait to see how it goes....

Meant To Be
Fiksi PenggemarY/N lives a normal life. She is an ARMY who meets RM by chance on multiple occasions. She becomes friends with him and the rest of BTS. What happens when she makes that change from being a normal ARMY to being a friend of BTS, and the girlfriend of...