Prologue I guess?

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Memes     😁


They breathed.

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

It was somewhere dark. There was no light and no sound.

This is not right, they thought, shouldn't there be something here beside me? They pulled a hand up and odly could see the hand as they wiggled their fingers.

It was still dark.

"Hello?" They called. There was no answer, there wasn't even an echo.

"Is anybody there?" They said, trying again, "Please answer? I don't want to be alone here."

Their breathing quickend and they spun around, trying to see something. Anything.

Not right! Not right! Not right! Alarms blared through their head.

"No. No. No." They whispered as they gropped their way forward.

The alarms grew louder. Not right! Not right! Not right!

"Please help!" They screamed, "Please! Please! Please!"

Please. The dark whispered back. Hello? Anybody. Please. Alone. There? Want. Help! Don't. Please.

They ran. Feet pounding against black nothingness as they ran and ran and ran. They sobbed and gagged as tears streamed from their eyes into their mouth. Their foot caught on nothing and they slammed into the ground.

Help! Answer. Alone. Please! The dark called after them. Don't. Anybody! Please. No! Want. Hello?

"Shut up!" They screamed, covering their ears and curling into a ball. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. The dark whispered. Shut up. Please. Sorry. Don't. Hello? Want. Please. Sorry. No. Anybody.

Suddenly a light appeared in front of them. They looked up at it from the ground to see a pen, floating before their tear soaked face.

"Light." They whispered, shakily reached up to grab the pen.

Nooooooo! The dark screamed. Don't! No! Light! Want! Sorry! Please!

They gripped the pen and the dark fell silent.

They shook as the last of the tears fell down their face. They looked down at the glowing pen in their hand, their new life line. It's shine begun to dim.

"No!" They panicked, "Don't stop!" It stopped and lightened again.

They clutched it to their heart, "Thank you." They whispered. It hummed in response. They stood up and shivered. The pen warmed.

"What are you?" They whispered. The pen tugged at their hand and reluctantly they let go. It twirled through the air and landed on the ground. Sluggishly it picked itself up and begun drawing on the ground.

As it drew a carpeted floor appeared, walls rose up and a roof grew between them. Banishing the dark for good. It flew up to the wall and began writing.

You are lonely? It wrote.

They nodded. Watching as the pen earased the message and began drawing again, this time makeing a simple silhouette shape.

Create friends? It asked.

"I can do that?" They asked nervously, "I can create people?" The pen twirled.

With me you can do anything. It wrote, flying back down to them and fitting itself snuggly into their hand. It hummed.

Your turn. It seemed to say. Your turn.

"My turn." They whispered, "Yes, my turn." They put the pen to the floor and began drawing. Chairs and tables appeared. A bookshelf and T.V following it. Doors appeared, more rooms being created as they drew. They kept going until the entire house was finished.

Outside? The pen buzzed.

"No." They said, "Outside is dark."

They walked back to the silhouette and begun drawing on that. Writing details about the personality as they went. They finished and took a step back.

"Please." They whispered. The drawing glowed and a girl stumbled into the house. She looked around and saw no one.

"She can't see me." They whispered.

Write. The pen hummed. Write.

So they walked over to the wall and wrote. The girl flinched as the writing appeared before her.


"H- Hello?" She replied.

It's nice to meet you.

"You too?"


"Where am I?" She asked. There was a pause before the writing started again.

My house, in my world. Your house now. If you want?

"Yes please?" She said, still unsure, "Who am I?"

You are Jayji. A pause. My friend?

"Yes!" She cried, "I'll be your friend!"

Good. :)

Suddenly Jayji seemed to remember something. "Im sorry but, who are you?"

I am your friend.

Jayji huffed. "Yes, I know that. What's your name?"

They stopped. What was their name? Who where they? It hadn't seemed important until now. They thought about it and then looked down at the pen and got an idea. They put their hand back to the wall and wrote

I am The Author.

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