Ch1 : Page 2

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Moray recognized this SeaWing as his cousin Tang. She was around 4 years older than him and was the only dragon he'd ever really been around. She was a messenger/delivery dragon for long-distant deliveries from the Sea Palace. She was definitely fit for the job, despite what her on-land hunting may say. She was very lean and fit, her muscles well toned. It was also quite obvious that she used her wings a lot.

Tang drops by a few times a month and supplies him with scrolls. It was really nice of her to think of him and buy an extra scroll for him from the Sea Palace or from whatever market she is delivering to.

She stopped sputtering and saw Moray. "What are you doing up so early... or, late, for a NightWing? Did you know I was delivering to the rainforest today and waited here for me? Because that's what it looks like." She watched a bird fly overhead, eyeing it crossly. "I don't blame you, this beach is insufferable." Another surge of embarrassment went through her, possibly remembering her hunting fail.

"No, I was just admiring the view." He replied, glancing at the sunrise.

"It's the same view you see every day. I don't know what's left to admire." She lifted her wing and swung around a satchel, pulling out three scrolls. "Here. Got you a present."

"Well, every day doesn't blur together if you- Three??" He said, surprised. "You're giving me three scrolls this time? Is it my hatching day?"

"Nah. It was one of those 'Stuff as many of these as you can in that pouch of yours and litter the world with this news' kind of orders so I have an extra for you." She held them out, tied neatly in a bundle. "They don't give us any other info of what to do. They just assume us messengers know every newsstand and library out there and want us to get their message to everyone."

She continued, talking about her incompetent bosses. Tang loved to gossip, Moray guessed it just comes with the job.

"So anyways, everyone trying to rid of all their scrolls and fill their quota leads to a lot of extras. And, they didn't say anything about not giving your scrolls to your bored cousin."

"So what's the special occasion?" Moray asked, accepting the scrolls from her.

"You'll have to read it to believe it. Like, seriously, some crazy stuff has gone down."

Moray sensed a feeling of amazement and slight disbelief from her. Oh, turtles. He thought to himself. This must be something big.

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