Busy morning

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Mandy was woken up by the doorbell ringing.

August sluggishly got up and instantly got to the door using fae paths. Mandy headed over too, figuring it was the delivery. When she got there, August had already signed and the delivery guys were leaving. Didn't seem like anyone was in the hallway, so Mandy used telekinesis to pick the boxes up.

When she got to the kitchen, it looked like only Albus had awoken as well, Riveria and Leum were still sleeping. August was moving around using fae paths and Mandy figured he was using the chance to wash. Mandy internally sniffled-- she couldn't go and attack him with all of these people here. Biting down her internal tears, Mandy unpacked all the stuff - various groceries and camping equipment for making food.

An odd question came her way, as she set to make some coffee.

"Do we need to wash using shampoo and things to blend in?" Albus asked.

Mandy tilted her head.

"I mean, I'm more used to just," Albus drew a half triangle over her chest and after a lingering trace of white light passing over her, she looked refreshed - the clothes lost their crinkles and even her hair looked like it had been just washed and brushed.

Oh... that looked incredibly convenient. Could August do that? "I think it's best to ask August," Mandy said, since as far as she knew using those were ways to blend in too.

The doorbell rang again.

Right. Ian. Mandy started walking towards the door but hesitated in her steps. Could they let Ian in? Mandy switched her direction and peeked into the bathroom. "Can I let Ian in?"

"Get Leum to put him under oath," August said while getting dressed.

Mandy bit down another internal tear of regret as she turned to head to the door. When she peeked her head out she really did spot Ian.

"Morning," Ian said. Chilli was sitting on his head and next to him was a short girl (actually the same height as Mandy) with long slick black hair and bedhead that reminded of kitten ears.

"Morning! Wait up a bit," Mandy said.

"Sure," Ian said and Mandy returned back in. She met Leum partway. Looked like August had finished dressing and had sent Leum to the door already.

Leum yawned and drew the same half triangle over his chest as Albus had done, then opened the door once the light settled and he looked all clean and proper.

"Morning, I'm Leum, August's familiar," Ceruleum introduced himself with a soft smile.

"Ian Spenser," Ian introduced himself when he got over his surprise about a new character appearing. "That's Chilli and this is Nelly, my familiar," he said.

Oh! So that's the witten! Realization passed Mandy's eyes.

Nelly hid behind Ian with pursed lips after meeting Leum's smile, Chilli seemed positively curious, though.

"August sent me to have you form an oath with me. I ask you not to tell anyone what you see or learn inside, in exchange you three can ask... hmm, anything you want to know, I guess," Leum said.

Ian tilted his head, finding this request odd. "There are no dead bodies inside are there?"

"Is that what you want to know in exchange for silence?" Ceruleum asked with a smile.

"Uhh--" Ian looked towards Mandy.

Mandy shook her head. "Nothing of the type you'd need police for. Just something that would be bad for August personally if it gets out."

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