Veggie sticks

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When Mandy peeked out to check - HOLY-- There was no way in hell these would blend in anywhere or anyhow?!! The previous clothes Leum and Veri had been sort of simple and inconspicuous, not that it made them stand out less, but still - these were... they looked like magazine models with makeup, styled hair, accessories, and what have you.

Like Tia just recently, everyone looked like they had an uncontrollable shopping spree. Even Hal was carrying some stuff.

Mandy opened the door to let them in, casting a questioning look towards Hal. Wasn't he the one with the best common sense among all of them? Mandy felt betrayed. Hal didn't seem to understand her look, but he didn't ask anything either, only further giving Mandy a feeling that he knew about her already.

As they walked in, Mandy noticed another detail... Why was Albus wearing a dress? It suited him, but-- Okay. Perhaps she shouldn't ask for now. Mandy decided to ignore this and waited for them all to enter, before locking the door behind.

"There's no need to take off shoes," she said, slipping past them to walk through the illusion barrier. But that said, only Hal seemed like he was about to.

All except Ceruleum looked surprised to find the forest in the apartment, but no questions were asked for now, as they headed towards the sound of typing.

"Gus, weren't you... hiding things?" Hal spoke up, as he was looking around the place in wonder.

"This was an accident," August replied, halting to type and looking over at them.

Hal pursed his lips a little but didn't ask more about it, seeming to accept that accidents could happen.

Mandy thought that August would need to tell the tale all over again, but apparently not the case with Hal. Yet if this was a part of what August called 'best common sense' then... it wasn't common sense to not question stuff like that.

Riveria made an expectant expression at first, seeing August looking in her direction, but since August made no comment, she pouted.

If Mandy had to guess, she had expected to hear a compliment? And Mandy had expected a comment on these three not looking like anything that could blend in. But that did not come either. Mandy sighed as she gave up. What had she even expected?

Rather, August got up to open his suitcase to take out ink and a brush and while he did more tree branches grew out of the wall, forming more shelves akin to those August made before to hold the belongings he got from Tia.

"How are you doing that?" Hal asked next.

The familiars put down their bags and found places to sit, near the place where August had sat before. Riveria seemed to have an even deeper pout.

"It's a bit like remote controlling a toy car," August said. "If that car was sort of sentient in a way, so more like asking if it can do it and then requesting it to do it."

None of August's familiars seemed to find it odd in any way, even Hal accepted it at that level and opened the bag he was holding.

Mandy tilted her head. "Are forests sentient?"

"If by sentience you mean able to feel, perceive and some form of thinking then yes, plants, as well as animals, can do that," August dipped his brush again. "But differently to humans that have collective subconscious(or unconscious) as a background thing, their collective subconscious is on almost the same level for animals, and for plants it's..." August thought a bit, but his hand did not stop moving over the wood. "About 80% is in the collective. Fae paths are easy because plants are that interconnected, using animals is harder, humans are possible shortcut mediums, but draining as hell," August said while his brush moved.

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