Chapter 1

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"You're up next Perrie" the director of our new music video informs me

I walk towards the set and jump in the open van
"Hold up no you didn't bow bow, I ain't the chick to walk behind you round town. Just cause you're packin' packin' whoop down south. That don't mean I'm ever gonna take it Lyon' down" I mime into the camera as the music belts through the speakers, my powerful voice blasting through the set as the girls watch on behind the camera dancing.
I do my routine dance and twist my hips around. Moving my hands in front of my face sexily.

The girls have already finished their parts I just had to do mine! And this was the last part of mine I had to record.

"That's a rap" the director yells
"Congratulations girls, you've finally finished the recording of woman like me!" Steve our manager walks up to me and the girls
"We're so happy Steve" Jade exclaims, thrilled that we've finished recording
"You'll be even more thrilled at this news I'm about to tell you" he smirks
"What?" I ask
"It better be good!" Jesy warns taking off her high heals
"It's more than good Jess" Steve smirks
"Come on Tell us then" Leigh-Anne moans
"You're preforming at this years Super Bowl!!" He yells over excited
Me and the girls scream with happiness. We all start crying.
"You could break the USA girl! Properly this time!" He hugs us
"Oh my god! How!" Jesy cries
"A special person got in touch with super bowl themselves and ordered that they HAD to have you perform this year!" Steve smirks
"Who?" I wipe tears away
"You wouldn't believe me" he shakes his head
"No tell us, we need to thank them!" Leigh begged
"Thank them on the day, they will be there. Performing also! They're a surprised guest though so super bowl won't announce their name. They'll only mention that he's a surprise guest!" Steve informed us
"Oh so it's a dude?" I questions
"A very handsome one at that" Steve laughs "and talented" he adds on
"When is this?" Jesy questions
"Next year in February, do you have PLENTY of time to practice and get it perfect!" He warns us as we walk off of set
"Oh my I'm so excited!" I exclaim
Me and the girls decide to have a girly night over at Leigh-Anne's house.

"Perrie get the fuck down here you won't believe it!" Jesy screams
"I'm on toilet" I scream back "dammit" I whisper to myself laughing
I pull my grey tight joggers up and wash my hands.
I jog down the stairs and the girls eyes are glued to the screen
"What is it?" I ask
"You're gonna need to sit down for this!" Jade shakes her head in disbelief
"Umm ok?" I say and sit in between her and Leigh.
Leigh grabs the remote and rewinds the tv.
"Watch" they all say in sync with each other making me giggle a little
"So Michael" the interviewer speaks, at that.. the camera fixates on Michael Jackson. The true king of pop. Holy hell hes fit.
He smiles at the interviewer
"Any girl you've got your eye on?" The interviewer asks
"Well I mean, I haven't got my eye on her. But I sure do think she's very pretty" he nods
"That's Perrie Edwards if I'm right, yeah?" The woman asks him
"Yes" he nods with a small smile
The girls squeal from besides me. I plug my ears with my index fingers giggling.
"She's just gorgeous isn't she really" he confesses making me remove my fingers and smile
"Your fans will be very jealous" the woman giggles
"I don't even think she's single, so they don't have to worry. In my eyes, my fans are ALWAYS number one. But last I hear Perrie was seeing some guy, some YouTuber. If that's correct I don't know" he shrugs "but that's what the media are staying" he adds
Oh yeah. Jack, Jack Maynard. I've been having flings with him. Like we'll get together after work or something. At his place. And we'll have sex. I don't think it'll go any further than that!
"Perrie he likes you" Jade coos
"He said I'm pretty. That's about it" I laugh trying not to blush
"Oh come onnnn. Have you seen him, have you seen yourself?? Perfect couple!!" Jesy exclaims
"Perrie you have to reach out to him!" Leigh orders
"No!" I laugh shaking my head
"Don't even be a little shit!" Jesy warns
"He's just announced, on national tv..that he thinks you're pretty. That totally deserves a message" Leigh mentioned
My phone beeps and Jade picks it up
"He doesn't even follow me on insta or anything. So how can I?" I laugh
"He does now!" Jade exclaimed
"Don't fool around" I speak
"No look!" She laughed
"Oh and he's just commented on and liked your recent photo!" She giggles softly
I snatch my phone from her and go on to Instagram.
He did!!
He followed me!!
Then a buzz rings from my phone.
I look up at the notification bar and it's Michael. He just messaged me on insta.
"He's just messaged me" I inform them
"Oh myyy Whats He said!" Jesy screams
" 'hey pretty girl' " I read the message out
"Answer!!" They scream
"Not yet" I laugh at them
"You're crazy!" Leigh exclaimed
"Why not??" Jesy frowns
"Because that makes me look desperate. And that...I am not" I speak truthfully and they nod
"Don't forget to message him though" jade replies
"I won't Jadey" I coo softly

"Have you replied?" Jesy asks an hour later
"I will now" I make clear
I start typing on my phone. 'Heyyyy' and send it off.
Almost instantly I get a message back.
'How are you?' He asks
'Oh I'm good! You?' I send him a message back
'That's great! And I'm really' my phone beeps indicating I've got a message from him
'Why now?' I message him back
'Because, I've got a very pretty girl messaging me😉' at that, when I read it. My heart melts.
'Awww michael!😩' I reply
'Girl you're really hot, do ya know that?'
'You're making me blush. Stop!'
'We should meet up one time ya know, get to know each other! X'
'Sure Michael, but the next time I'll be in America is at the beginning of 2018 I think!'
'What for?'
'Me and the girls are playing at the super bowl! FINALLY, we've always dreamt of this. But we can meet then! If you're free of course?'
'Yeah I'm free then, we can deffo meet there!!'
'Of course Michael!xxx'

"He's so cute guys" I awww
"That's read them!" Jesy shouts running from the kitchen
I pass her my phone while Leigh and jade hover around next to Jesy trying to read the messages too.
"Oh my hes adorable!" Jade coos gently
I smile back.
"You're waiting that long to meet a guy like him??" Jesy answered shocked
"He's just a normal person Jess, I'm sure he wants to be treat that way too!" I inform her
"He's the king of pop, no matter how much he wishes for it. He'll never be treated normally. We wish for it all the time, but it doesn't happen, people still scream and cry over us..faint over us. The same they do with Michael" Jesy shrugs
"He's a lot bigger than what we are though" Leigh-Anne states the obvious
"We know!" I laugh

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