Chapter 5

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After a long stay, we decide to head back.
"I'm gutted" I sigh "i might just move here" i chuckle at Tilikum
"I'm off back to LA, baby, I'll miss you. Hopefully on your long trips you'll stop off there and we can see each other again" i coo at him and he makes a noise
"I know baby" I sigh as a tear falls from my eye
"I don't want to leave you again, but I have to. I love you so much Tili" I coo his nickname to him and he starts flapping his fin at me excitedly making me chuckle
"Yo! Let's hit the road" Michael beckons me over to the car, he's already said his goodbyes to the whales. I kiss every one of them and walk away slowly. When I reach Michael his arms wrap around me as Tilikum and his beautiful, well matured family call a goodbye to us. I wave at them and they swim off into the deep icy blue ocean.
"Thank you for this Michael" I sigh into the hug
"I really did need to see him again!" I exclaim
"I know you did, thats why I brought you" he smiles happily

"Come on" he grabs my hand and pulls me in the limo.
L.A. Here we come!

"You're back" the girls squeal once I get into our hotel room, they all start jumping and diving on me. Squealing with excitement, they definitely HAVE missed me.
"We're SO glad you're back!" Jesy squeals making me laugh
"Me too" I nod
"So, How was it?" Leigh questions with a smirk
I tell my favourite girls everything about the trip.

"So no sex?" Jesy frowns

"No sex" I chuckle
"Damn, he's a bit boring. He had a little fitty in his bed like you and no action was accountable??" She asked shocked
"We kissed and cuddled if that counts" I chuckle
"Kissing as in a peck?" Jade wonders
"Or kissing like proper going for it...?" Jesy smirks
"Eh in the middle, it didn't lead to sex of everything. So we wasn't PROPER going for it. But then, it wasn't just a peck" I chuckle

These girls, are like my sisters. So don't ever get creeped out with what they ask. It's natural with us four!

"Tongues?" Leigh smirks
"Yes!" I laugh it off
"And was he good?" Jesy quizzes with a raised eyebrow
"Better than good" I moan
"Ewwww" the three girls whine in sync making me laugh

"When are you seeing him again?" Jesy wonders
"I don't know. Hopefully soon. But I don't know, I'll let him get in touch with me first" I shrug
"Oooo, is miss Perrie Louise Edwards playing hard to get?" Jade giggles softly with a huge smile. Damn she's beautiful.

"Maybe. Maybe not" I wink at her making the girls squeal with excitement.

January 1st, 2019

As you have probably guessed, Michael never got in touch with me again. I feel worthless if I'm being honest with you, He whisked me away after saying he liked me. He took me to where I spent my childhood and made it so I could reunite with my killer whales. He was being all lovey-dovey with me and as soon as we get home he just blanks me and never talks to me again. For two whole goddamn years?!?!

I've seen Michael at music events and award shows and stuff, he's avoided me like I was the fucking what the hell did I do to deserve this kind of treatment??

The only best part about this whole ordeal is that not only has it made me and the girls huge all over the world... but I managed to get the money to buy my old home, the lodge me and Michael stayed at—the place where I grew up— I see the whales every time I'm there. I took the girls up to there last summer and they loved it...I took them there before we went on a mini tour around the U.K. just while we was writing songs, we didn't wanna totally disappear from giving our fans something. The girls really loved it at the lodge, and they really love the whales too! But my whales are beautiful and so well natured that they are nice to anyone and everyone. Too nice in fact!

Right now we are all in the studio up in California. We are using a sample from a song called Bounce back...and we're gonna do our own version of it. So we're in the studio writing and just messing around.

At the end of last year, November time, me and the girls brought out our LM5 album. With songs that are related to Michael in some form or another. 
He's such a douche bag. He unfollowed me on everything and blocked my what is THAT about?!

"Say that I'm the girl up in his dreams... hot boy better give me what I need" I sing randomly walking around the studio as I scroll through Instagram.
I hear a few gasps from people in the recording studio. I look up to see Jesy, Leigh, Jade, music writers and producers staring at me wide eyed.
I raise a brow and chuckle "what?"
Mark one of our music writers gapes at me "that was beautiful! Did you think of that off of the top of your head Perrie?"
I nod and sit down next to jade "it was"
Mark jots it down quickly while he can still remember it and smiles at me when he's done "what would we do without you and your creative mind??"
I huff and puff sarcastically "who knows mark? Who knows? You'd probably like have to hire some creative writer or some shit."
Mark laughs at me shaking his head while he speaks back to me sarcastically but I just ignore his rudeness. I've got more things on my mind. My phone chimes and I look back down at it. I press on the notification bar and look at the person who notified me.

 I press on the notification bar and look at the person who notified me

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Michael Jackson liked your photo.
Michael Jackson commented on your photo: 😍🤤sexy mamma

I frown at my phone and shake my head in disbelief... is he for REAL?!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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