Chapter 4

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I start hearing loud orca calls. I turn to the clock at the side of the bed and it's 4:30 am. I smile and jump up knowing that it'll be Tilikum. Even when I lived here he always came at 4:30 in the morning. In a way, I hope he hasn't been doing it since I've been living in the U.K. I bet he hates me. I bet he feels like I've abandoned him.
I quietly walk out the room trying to not disturb Michael. I open the front door and I see Tilikum and his family jumping in and out of the water gloriously. Their vocal frequencies are high, showing that they are happy and excited.
I walk down the long wooden walk way that leads further into the ocean and I bend down moving my fingers in the water gently.
The next moment, Tilikum jumps out at me.
"Boy you scared me" I chuckle gently
"I wish I could get in with you, but the water is too cold baby" I coo stroke him
He makes a loud vocal frequency making me chuckle.
"Morning" Michael says from behind me
"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" I ask
"No Perrie, you didn't" He smiles at me
"Tilikum is a early riser isn't he, waking you up" he chuckles walking closer
"He's always done it" I smile
"He's adorable" Michael confesses
"I know" I nod
"Why don't you come inside and get warm, I got the heating working before I came out. You can come back out to him later today" Michael rubs my bare arms
"Okay" I smile
I get up after kissing Tilikum and walk back inside with Michael.
"What do you want to do?" Michael asks
"Go back to bed, I'm cold and knackered" I laugh
"I was hoping you'd say that" he chuckles
We head back to bed and climb in, embracing each other in a hug.
"Next time you go out there, make sure you put on a coat, you're crazy" Michael orders while smirking
"I will don't worry" I smile up at him
He looks deep into my eyes and kisses me passionately.
"I don't think you know how beautiful you are" he whispers
"Thank you" I blush and look down
He kisses me cheek and pulls me in for a stronger hug.
We eventually both fall back to sleep.

"I don't give a shit!" I yell down the phone at my ex, Jack Maynard.
"Perrie, why are you doing this? With Michael? Just so you can get a bit more fame?" Jack accuses
"Fuck you" I snap
I look up from my phone to see Michael walking through the front door with plastic bags.
"Well it's true isn't it?" He growls
"Are you being deadly serious? You think I'm hanging around Michael for a bit of extra fame and attention?" I chuckle sarcastically
"Jack" I sigh "you're just jealous because I've finally moved on from you. Yet, you haven't moved on from me" I shrug to myself, Michael looks at me confused but goes into the kitchen
"How do you know I'm not over you, aye?? Because I definitely am" he fires back
Michael walks back into the living room and sits next to me, placing a warm hand on my thigh.
"If you was 'over me' you wouldn't be calling me right now shouting the odds about some stupid photo taken of me and Michael at the airport" I snap
"Bye Jack. I aren't doing this no more. Leave me alone. I'm over you. And that final!" I harshly snap down the phone and end the call before he can reply

"What was that?" Michael asks after a few minutes of silence
"My ex" I sigh "He's complaining because of some paparazzi photos that was taken of us" I shrug
"He still likes you?" He asks
"Yeah" I nod
"Funny thing is, his brother likes me too!" I chuckle annoyed
" like them?" He looks at me, carefully examining my reaction
I laugh "nah, I did don't get me wrong. But they've both fucked me over plenty of much I've lost count. I don't want them anymore. I want nothing to do with them" I shake my head
"Who's Jacks brother?" He wonders
"Conor Maynard" I reply looking at the tv
"Really?" Michael asks
"I've met him before, he's an alright dude" Michael nods
"Ha you think?" I look at him
"I don't know the story between you and him, but when I met him and was talking to him he seemed alright" Michael shrugged
"What happened between you both?" He asks politely
"Damn" I chuckle "so.."

"Me and Jack was probably together for about two years. But Conor confessed his 'un-denying love' for me and we both got a little drunk one night when I found out Jack had been messaging another girl behind my back and Conor was the one who told me, mainly because he didn't want me with Jack. But we drank and got drunk and I kinda had sex with him. I regretted it obviously, i didn't wanna cheat on my boyfriend with his own brother but it just happened. And because of that, it was like Conor was hooked on me after that" I sigh as flashbacks appear
"You had sex with him?" Michael asks shocked
"Yeah" I nod getting upset about the whole ordeal
"Hey, it's okay. Don't worry. You've had a huge bounce back and come back better and stronger. You don't need them Perrie" Michael coos while stroking my thigh even more.

We've been cuddled up on the sofa for hours now,I slowly fall to sleep but Michael quickly interrupts me.
"Guess what I bought when I was out!" Michael gets excited
"What?" I laugh
"Fish!" He yells a little too loud
I hold my ears and chuckle.
"Why?" I ask confused
The orcas start calling and Michael's smile grows even bigger
"They need feeding Perrie" he smirks
"They can hunt" I furrow my eyebrows
"It's known animals love you more when you feed them. So maybe you can rekindle with Tilikum by feeding him. And when I feed them, I'll build q bond up with them" Michael states jumping up and walking off, presumably..into the kitchen.
I swiftly follow him, on his toes.

"That's go feed some killer whales" he says excitedly

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