Chapter 3

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Michael planned a little something for today..what it is I don't know. He just said dress up nice, not dressy dressy, but just nice. I dunno what that means, but you know.
"What should I wear?" I ask the girls nervously
"Wear something that will capture his attention" Jesy winks
"Jesyyy" I groan
"Perrie you have the body. You can't let Zayn carry on fucking everything up for you!" Jesy warns me
"It's not just him" I gulp
"Who then?" She asks
"Jack and Conor" I mumble
"They're brothers, and have a good bond. It's best to leave them both alone. Michael is perfect for you! And you know it" she smirks
"Wear this! You'll look cute" Leigh throws me an outfit
I get changed into it quickly and they aww at me.

 Michael is perfect for you! And you know it" she smirks "Wear this! You'll look cute" Leigh throws me an outfit I get changed into it quickly and they aww at me

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"It shows your big ass off too!" Jade gasps staring at my butt.

After spending a while getting ready, Michael sends someone to pick me up. Someone who works for him.
I jump in the limo and greet the driver.
"So do you know what's happening today?" I ask him politely
"Mr Jackson ordered that I didn't tell you a thing that's happening on your date" he informs me
"I won't tell him if you don't" I chuckle
"I'm sorry Miss Edwards" he laughs back "I really can't" he adds
"That's fine. I guess it can just be a surprise" I smile
"But what he has got planned seems amazing" he smiles at me through the rear view mirror.

"You've reaches your destination" he smiles at me after spending what seems like three hours in the car.
I get out and I'm at the airport
"Erm are you sure this is the right place?" I ask confused
"Meet Michael at the security rooms in the airport, he'll handle everything from there. Trust me on this." He giggles slightly
"Okay thank you" I smile
"Oh and here's your passport" he hands me it
"How did you-" I begin
"Your friend give me it" he smile
I smile back and thank him again.

When I get to the security room I'm greeted by Michael and his guards.
"Hey" he smiles at me happily "I'm so thrilled you could make it don't worry I know what you're thinking. But you will love it, I know for sure!" He smiles pulling me in for a quick hug
"Where we going?" I question
"You'll find out when we jump on the plane, now let's go" He smirks at me
"We're staying somewhere else for a few days" he informs me as we make our way through the airport, as soon as people start noticing us everyone crowds around us asking questions. Somehow the paparazzi found out we was here and they start taking photos of us together.
"Here" Michael speaks to me grabbing my hand pulling me closer to him so I don't get lost

We get settled on the jet when the pilot announces our destination.
"Hope you have a enjoyable journey...our final destination will be Juneau, Alaska!" He happily speaks
I gasp and shoot my head and look at Michael.
Alaska is like my second home, I lived there for 6 years, from 10-16 years old. It was my fave place ever. I stayed with my aunt and nana.
My experience there was unforgettable, but it brings some upsetting memories. Like when I had to let my precious animals go.
"How did you know?" I gasp at him again
"I have my ways" he smirks
"Ohhh yeah, cause you're Michael Jackson" I smirk buckling myself in
"That's right" he winks
"Why are we going there?" I question confused
"You'll see" he shrugs with a cheeky smirk.
The rest of the flight is just filled with general chit chat and just getting to know each other better. He's a really nice guy, so gorgeous too!

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