Chapter 2

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Rehearsals have been going great.
We're in America right now... doing rehearsing over here too! It's been fun. Me and the girls adore America.
"Stop baby" I laugh at my cousin and pull my hair out of her small hands, my auntie had a baby 5 and a half months ago.
She called her Harley. She's the most precious thing ever.
"Mama will be here soon! She's busy at the moment" I coo
"Look at herrrr" jade squeals walking in the dance studio
"It's auntie jade, how you doin' Harls" Jade picks her up and holds her tightly, hugging her
I smile at the sight.
"So; it's our big day tomorrow" Jade looks over at me
"I'm so nervous" I giggle
"I can tell" she laughs
"What? How?"
"You did your nervous giggle" Jade replies
"Oh yeah"
"Is that all you're nervous for?" She smiles questioning me
"Yeahhh.." I hesitantly replied
"So you're telling me you aren't nervous to meet Michael?" She wonders
"Damn. I forgot about that!" I look at her then look down at Harley who is blowing bubbles

"I'm back" my auntie Gil walks in
"Hey" I smile
"How She been?" She wonders
"She's been amazing, singing along and trying to dance to the songs" I giggle watching Harley get all excited coz her mama is here.
"Awww I'm glad she had fun with her big cousin" Gil smiles
"Me too!" I smile widely
She goes and picks Harley up and looks back at me
"Soooo about tomorrow. I'm guessing you're shitting yourself??" She laughs softly
"I am indeed" I chuckle
"About performing or meeting Michael?" She questions
"Why does everyone think I'm nervous about meeting Michael" I laugh the subject off
"Because you've always fancied him..always thought he was hot!" She smirks at me
"Well yeah but it doesn't mean I'm nervous" I chuckle
"Keep believing that" Gil smirks and walks out the studio as jade, Leigh and Jesy walk in.
"One last rehearsal before tomorrow?" Jesy questions
"Of course" jade and Leigh reply exited

After my shower I Dive on the hotel bed.
"Heaven" I mumble to myself as I familiarise myself with my comfy bed and covers.
I pick my phone up to see I have a message from Michael.
Michael: Hey! Can't wait to see you tomorrow, don't worry about the performance..I've seen the dance rehearsal clips and it looks like you're gonna SMASH IT! I can't wait, don't sweat it x

I decide to reply to Michael;
Me: Thanks mike, just really really nervous. I'll be fine though! x

The Next day

"You're on in 10!" My manager calls into mine and the girls' dressing room
"Holy fuck" I mumble
"Don't be so nervous" Jesy chuckles
"Yeah but we've got the biggest star in the world watching us! We have to be perfect!" I look at her
"Awww has little pez got the hots for Michael Jackson" Claudimar laughs
I though my perfectly sealed water bottle at him and he yelps
"Fuck you Claud" I laugh making the full dressing room erupt in laughter
"I'm all honestly. You'll be fine! We'll be fine" he smiles hugging me
"Thanks claud" I kiss his cheek.
Claudimar is our person choreographer, he travels the world with us..teaching us dance and performing it with us at shows and concerts. We've built an incredible bond with Claud. I adore him with my whole heart. The little sweetheart.
"We best head under the stage for our appearance" I inform the girls and dancers
"Yeah let's go" Leigh-Anne agrees
Everyone else nods following me out the door.
Before me and the girls crawl under the stage we stand in a circle- with the dancers and do a pray.
"God may we ask you to look down on us during this performance- May you bless our vocals and our moves. God we ask you bless the instruments and the music on stage- and continue to build this family" I pause "this empire we have around us, that makes us...Little Mix...possible. Thank you lord!" I add on
"Amen!" We all cheer at the same time
"LITTLE" me and the girls slap our hands on each other's
"MIXXXXX" the dancers yell slapping their hands on our hands
We all hug and wish each other good luck.
Me and the girls crawl under the stage and place ourself on the black boards that pounce us into the air.

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